Astrology October 2017

Astrology October 2017

I have had some severe trepidation about this time and now I see why. Yes, I’m sorry I’m late.  My pen dragged not wanting to put it all down, except this being Free Speech month I finally decided to let it fly. So if you’re brave or just curious, the chart of the Satanic character … Continued

Astrology September 2017

SEPTEMBER 2017 ASTROLOGY NEWSLETTER   September has arrived with a clash of cymbals from Mars and Mercury joined early month on the exact late fiery degree in Leo of the recent solar eclipse . It’s legendary, loud and life changingly obnoxious.   Solar eclipses have historically been viewed as portents, however that may fall in one’s … Continued

Astrology August 2017

AUGUST ASTROLOGY NEWSLETTER 2017 Without question the main celestial event this month will be the grand “American Eclipse”‘ of the 21st of August. It will be the first time in 99 years that such a darkening sky has covered our geographical landmass in mid day. Here I introduce the Bard himself, where the Earl of … Continued

Astrology July 2017

Happy Birthday America   We haven’t done your chart lately so I thought we should take a look. It’s pretty similar, whether one takes the July 2nd birthdate, when the Continental Congress decided to establish the United States (such as they were, 13 colonies) as a sovereign Nation, or July 4th, the date of the … Continued


Welcome to the Monumental month of May showing some striking moments not to be wasted. The month begins slowly, it’s still somewhat confusing under the backward facing communication figure, of Mercurius. Then by the fourth, the action ensues! He stands still, always the most powerful moment before direct motion, thereby radiating a fiery Arian energy … Continued


Hello April, what have we here? A month of surprises, and a Pink moon?  Secrets to be exposed, with not one, but five retrograde planets. So don’t be fooled this April, best plan would be to take a backward look, to reflect and reorganize, all those ‘re’ words would serve us well. As we know, … Continued

Astrology February 2017

You’ll have to excuse me, but today I’m thinking about Dr. Carl Jung, noted Psychiatrist and originator of the term “synchronicity” as well as father of that curious species of Depth Psychologists (my special area of study). His words ”under the starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection, in … Continued

Astrology December 2016

Let’s do it differently this month. I’d like to look at cycles, which is one of the astrology’s main gifts, and also the chart of the USA (as that of a person). We’ll check out the month’s highlights, then scrolling down, about 23 birthday periods. Yours might even be one of them!

Astrology December 2016

Let’s do it differently this month.  I’d like to look at cycles, which is one of astrology’s main gifts, and also the chart of the USA  (as that of a person).  We’ll check out the month’s highlights, then scrolling down, about 23 birthday periods. Yours might even be one of them! But first, How was … Continued

Astrology November 2016

Please allow me to light the lamp for you in this the Dark Forest of the New Moon in Scorpio, October 30th , which is sharing its shade with All Hallows Eve no less, and  launching this very extreme month of November.  While the spirits are said to roaming between the veils of earth and … Continued