Astrology September 2016

Astrology September 2016

The astrological architecture for September would probably not pass any review board for  earthquake safety, either literally or metaphorically.  The grand square sky pattern is  laboring under the solar eclipse and maybe some of us are wishing it were elsewhere, like in  another recently discovered galaxy or new small planet.     I must add … Continued

Astrology August 2016

The regal month of August arrives with such a nice complement to Saturn, lending courage and harmony to that outgoing Leo Sun, for a short couple of days. Mars does us a favor and leaves aggressive Scorpio for the sunnier climes of Sadg. There is still beauty and hope on this planet, I only wish … Continued

Astrology July 2016

July 1st Happy Canada Day to all you Brexiters and Remainers, and all our Northern neighbors.  Carry on under this extraverted people's Gemini moon for a minute. This month we'll consider the powerful effects of the new and full moons and their impact for the fourteen days that follow. A slight history lesson ensues, so … Continued

Astrology June 2016

Early June hands the world a perfect geometry of squares, which you may translate to "challenges". I’ll spare you the astro details, except to say that the big issue so far has been this ongoing trek of Saturn and Mars through Sag and back in Scorpio. It seems as though life is going in reverse … Continued

Astrology May 2016

Hello May, we’re here, is that you up in the fog with five, yes, five retrograde planets on your sky calendar? With all those retrogrades (actually only in relation to the earth’s rotation) what can we expect? Let’s start with Mercury since that is the most often discussed and it also goes into retrograde three … Continued

Astrology March 2016

Added to this landmark year of sudden shifts in direction and attitude, we have here a month with similar surprises. March 2016 will be memorable for it’s powerful eclipses which bring certain "change" moments in time. Looking back in history to the last time this country was in an identical early Rahu period, takes us … Continued

Astrology February 2016

And a Little of March Dear friends and patriots, this month I am attempting something a little different. Just for now I am going to leave my comfort zone and indulge in mine and maybe your curiosity. What else, but the 2016 election roadshow? The race for the White House coincides with the chart of … Continued

Astrology January 2016

Welcome to 2016, a year of extremes and surprises, and a Chinese Monkey year at that! We are witnessing the beginning of an entirely new chapter for the USA, may changes and shifts across the globe. And maybe for you too! Astrology being both an art and a science, attempts to interpret the earthly events … Continued

Astrology November 2015

It’s the time of Scorpio, and such a combust of Virgo energies have we here! This duo inclines towards business and health matters, and allows no time for self pity. It’s all about getting the work done and seeking power, ruthlessly if necessary. This month shows two distinct periods. The first twenty days lie in … Continued

Astrology October 2015

HALLOWEEN CAME EARLY? The month begins a little slowly, with aspects not too close or tight. We’re still sliding off that powerful eclipse of the 24th September Harvest moon, which has left in its wake floods of confusion, and war zones aflame with Mars and Saturn clashing at each other. The sadness of a Venus … Continued