Astrology February 2020

Astrology February 2020

Oh February is here and what a relief it is to shed the Januaries, that month where the Sun is closest to earth, adding itself to that ongoing Capricorn planetary roundup. 2020 certainly arrived with so much global drama and trauma. Australia is still burning. The senate hearings and political street fights had many of … Continued

Astrology January 2020

Hello and welcome to the 2020’s! We’ve finally arrived at the true dawning of the Age of Aquarius, even though you may have thought it already happened back in the 60’s. First off this decade begins with a stunning lineup of 6, yes six planets in Capricorn and it’s all yours starting next week! The … Continued

Astrology November 2019

Hello and welcome to the domain of Scorpio, defined as either the eagle or spider and often mysterious. It covers a wide swath that we’ll explore. An idea worth remembering comes with these cosmically sage words: “the stars compel, they do not impel”. Yes, we have our free will, and know that it’s not always … Continued

Astrology October 2019

Hello all and welcome to this a month of ghouls and surprises and even religious celebrations, yes it’s October 2019. Because time is precious and you are flooded with emails, I’ll try to be a little more succinct in explaining the astro terminology. Then in addition to the usual 25 birthdays highlighted down below, we’ll … Continued

Astrology September 2019

We are in for some fascinating times, and September will not disappoint. Beginning month finds our planet in the throes of Virgoan energy; we can hope for the best, even to re-organize, de clutter our homes and heads. The intentions were good but then near the full moon of the 13th, the criss cross pattern … Continued

Astrology August 2019

Hello August, I was so looking forward to all your fiery, planetary zoom earlier Month. Instead you sent the arrows into our collective hearts, with mass shootings. So I’m devoting a part of this letter to an analysis of a specific chart. Yes America, we’re looking at you! Stepping back for a minute into the … Continued

Astrology June 2019

Early June’s new moon in Rohini, the lunar god’s favourite, launched a happy week with afternoon tea in early Gemini. We saw Venus and the Moon waving nearby in Taurus, all royally supported by Pluto. Then as the days moved on, we find that we are heading into a rather different set of aspects. To … Continued

Astrology May 2019

Heading into the Celtic past we might recall the Beltane festivities. May for me at least, always speaks of nature, of gardens and music! Consider for a moment this month of May as entering with a symphonic statement, a French horn announcing the jubilant procession of Venus, Mercury, Moon in Aries, like Mouret’s Rondeau, the … Continued

Astrology April 2019

How to best describe April? Or is it going to be a fools’ errand? The mix and match early month with so much in Pisces can be confusing on one level, yet inspiring on another!  Maybe even more telling would be the tendency for that which has been hidden to be revealed.  Secrets will come … Continued

Astrology February 2019

February is rather aggressively launched by Mars slamming into the power god himself, Pluto that is, and oh are we seeing the fallout! Or the freeze out. The serious shifts in weather patterns has not been seen for decades. The more we see planets moving over into negative earth, Capricorn, the goat king. Well you … Continued