The Many Forms of Prayer

The Many Forms of Prayer

  “I put post-its with prayer thoughts on them all around my office. I thought people would think I was crazy.” from Brenda T, a business woman and motivational speaker.   ”I pray all the time every minute”, Barbara R., dentist assistant and yoga teacher.   “When I see an accident on the freeway, I … Continued

August Astro Update

Named for the Emperor Augustus, the name of all emperors after Octavian took the name for himself in a gesture of grandiosity that is not lost on regal Leo, his month–August– is here. Coincidentally the Muslim month of Ramadan starts on the first with Jupiter square the Sun, an indication of some inflation, and over … Continued

July Astro Update

July arrives under the shadow of what is being referred to as the ‘penguin solar eclipse’ because it will only be visible in Antarctica, allowing only the penguins to see it (I hope they wore sunglasses). This eclipse, the third in the recent eclipse cycle, is set in a square pattern to Saturn, Pluto and Uranus, which makes it a less … Continued

“Take My Heart”- Lessons from Ram Dass

  In 1997, Ram Dass suffered a serious stroke, which sabotaged his once healthy body. He became disoriented, paralyzed, and suffered from aphasia. Words became distant as he would search haltingly for the right verse.   Seeing him now was different. He was fragile in that wheelchair, with his right leg leaning against his left, … Continued


Well now the fun begins, isn’t that always the way with the most entertaining of all, the talented Gemini energy? Only this month we have two partial eclipses bookending the very first and last day of the month, and a total lunar eclipse midway on June 15. The ancients were very aware of the impact … Continued

May’s Astro Update

Question: how many fiery Aries planets can fit into a box together? Try six, because that’s what’s happening on May 1. And they’re all facing off with Saturn in Libra, which will create a lot of intense energy—it will be a time to run, dance, scream and shout. During this exciting time, it would be … Continued

The Writing Box

  To My Brother We sat on the sea wall, the Junebugs and I Alone in the amber light of the evening sky Gazing beyond the waves in their still grey bed, I thought of you in the lonely days ahead…. The tingling feeling raced across my spine When I knew you were coming home … Continued

Crazy Wisdom – When Things Change

  This was certainly a major deterrent to my plans for the day. Why didn’t they hold the festival in a bigger theater? They had never before given out these cards two hours ahead of a movie at this festival. I decided they must changed the rules and not told anyone.   So we waited … Continued

March 2011 ASTROLOGY

March begins on an almost quiet note with six planets in Pisces (the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Chiron, Mars, and Mercury) all in the sign of the double fishes swimming in opposite directions. Confusion has arrived at the very least. Neptune, ruler of the cosmic seas, reigns supreme now. The new moon on the fourth aligns … Continued