March winds have arrived with a fury of tornados devastating parts of the Midwest and the south, all of which occurred under the squaring of Venus and Saturn and the moon, a very sad combination indeed. With both Mercury and Mars retrograde– and personal planets affect our intimate everyday lives so much– it tends to … Continued


What is it about Aquarians? There have been more US Presidents born in February, than any other sign. Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Wm Henry Harrison and although his birth was  January 30th, FDR was also an Aquarian. With the exception of Washington, the other three were born earlier in the month, under the star, Danistha, symbolized in the Hindu … Continued

January 2012 Astro Update

Appropriately named for Janus, the two headed Roman god of beginnings and endings , January is that doorway into  the year ahead, from 2011 to 2012. Contrary to the  many dire predictions of catastrophe and destruction, an overview of 2012 from the Vedic (Hindu astrology) perspective,  indicates a better year than the preceding one. The … Continued

Winter Solstice: Celebrating the Return of the Light

  Farmers and cave dwellers looked skyward for the return of the sun since all of life and agriculture depended upon it. That souls crossed between the earth and sky through the portals of the solstices was widely believed. And, in fact, at one of the hospices I was involved with, about 80 percent of … Continued

December 2011 Astro Update

Zing! goes the arrow of the Sagittarian archer right into the heart of the matter. “Please don’t be so honest” were words spoken to a Sag child. Lacking the verbal discretion of say, Scorpio, these, the most blunt and freedom seeking  of the 12 zodiac signs, will find the first 3 days of December aflame … Continued

NOVEMBER 2011 ASTROLOGY – Serena Carroll

Surgeons, generals and spies excel under the Scorpio sky, it’s that kind of depth and power which scores the early November election season every two years. When else could they be possibly held? After the first two days’ square involving several inner planets, the wildness and buzz calms down for a minute and we can … Continued

Halloween: A Day to Make a Friend of Your Darkness

  Fascinating archetypal figures from history that lodge in our psyches can also offer clues in what they reflect back to us. Keeping a notebook of dream images and symbols provide rich material about the inner “you”. And while this may not feel very comfortable at first, the rewards of such personal insights cannot be … Continued


OCTOBER, the  month of gorgeous sunsets, is here, and with so many Libra planets striving for civility in a cruel and unjust world There’s hope for some sanity and balance. The key moments of the month occur with the lunations, the new and full moons, both of which are fairly benign.   The month begins … Continued

Practicing Meditation: How to Find More Calm in Your Day

  I didn’t give up. The next class was held in my living room, chairs arranged in a circle. I was going to learn Transcendental Meditation (TM), step by step, with a group of friends. TM, as taught to the Beatles by the Maharishi, required constant focus and discipline. I tried to do it, twice … Continued

September Astro Update

Fairly harmonious are the very early days of September, coming off of the new moon of August 28th which always sets the pace for the following 14 days.  The nice relationship of planets in earthy signs, bodes well for birthdays on or near the  first days of September, January and May. The sun or life … Continued