Astrology September 2013

Astrology September 2013

Hello again all of you patient readers and welcome.  There was a brief vacation from last month’s newsletter, due to my daughter’s wedding, but we’re back and the stars and planets are moving into places long anticipated by some of us skywatchers.  Not to sound the gongs of Armagedda, but the two heavies out there, … Continued

Astrology July 2013

Hello Dear Readers, The quandary of early July is here. What can you say about a month that begins under a power gridlock of two opposing mighty gods, Sun and Pluto, and four retrograde planets? Don’t count on anything just yet, wait it out, stay on your yacht whether literal or fanciful; water planets predominate right … Continued

Astrology June 2013

We can calm down, just for a moment, since we’re past those harrowing Taurus/Scorpio eclipses which brought about so much upheaval in the past few weeks, and now we can move into the slightly balmier days of June. Things should be rather peaceful in the first few days of this month, since it isn’t often … Continued

Astrology May 2013

Our galactic vessel has landed on the rocky shores of may 2013, and it’s strange territory indeed. Oh you may ask, what happened to those nice Druid Beltane and May day festivals? This fracas of Saturn and Mars will start off the early days of this month with a clash of symbols, i.e. the impulsive … Continued

Astrology April 2013

“Beware of beginnings” goes through my mind, as I look to April. I can’t overlook the harshness of the Aries and Capricorn – the ram versus the goat square, with unpredictable Uranus on the Sun April Fools’ Day, creating a major point of friction. We are now heading into rougher waters of the year of … Continued

The Sacred Gifts of Ritual

  Stella and Tony’s son, 30, left this world over a year ago, in October 2011, by his own will and misguided choice, having fallen down a dark well of addiction and despair.   Eddie’s texts into his smartphone in the hours and minutes before the various drugs took effect — “this must be what … Continued

Astrology March 2013

Dear everyone, here comes March and what do we have? The Sun,  Mercury, Venus, Mars,  Neptune, Chiron, all swimming in the emotional water world of  the ocean god.  This is just how last month ended, with Mercury and Saturn retrograde, causing us to look backwards and review and re-investigate various details and make some changes. … Continued

Astrology February 2013

The early February planetary lineup in Aquarius, along with a Libra moon and Jupiter in Gemini, makes for a lot of air which inclines towards verbosity— but of course with many innovative and original ideas bandied about, so typical of Aquarius. This preponderance of “refined air,” the label attached to Aquarius, IS technology’s true Homeland, The … Continued

Astrology January 2013

Welcome to 2013, which adds up to a six year, the card of the Lovers, in the Tarot. Aside from the romantic connotation here, the lovers represent duality, and a kind of yin yang twinship. “Six” years are mostly concerned with the art and craft of relating, take this where you will, whether it be … Continued

Astrology December 2012

Here we are at the final doorway to 2012, and Why all the fuss? It’s all this talk about the Mayans, of course. (Maya is the more correct term). Their sophisticated calendar creating ability, dating back millions of years earlier than their mysterious disappearance in the 900’s, was also mapped forward into the present time. … Continued