Astrology July 2014

Astrology July 2014

Happy Birthday America! The revolution continues in the home of the free, land of the brave, as it casts a concerned eye at the teeming masses huddled at our southern gates. As much as I like to avoid politics in these letters, it’s hard to overlook the current aspects covering the USA Sun in Cancer, … Continued

Astrology June 2014

Hello dear readers, our June month starts on a positive note. The moon snuggling up to Jupiter in a Cancerian crab hug, the Gemini sun sparkling with a trine to Mars, make the first few days at the right time to get a head start on whatever projects you are cooking up. Then starting on … Continued

Astrology May 2014

HIGHLIGHTS MAY 2014  For the balance of the month, and I am using financial terms because Taurus loves her healthy bank account, the overall picture finds the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water, to be fairly evenly represented. This is something astrologers like to see, balance in a chart!  And the Jupiter Saturn grand … Continued

Astrology April 2014

All right, buckle up, I’m not sure how to soften the blow on this one, I mean about April being the cruelest month. Our month started off on the tail of the Aries Sun and Moon conjoined with Uranus in that last minute of March, and what a fiery group they are, no subtlety here.  … Continued

Astrology March 2014

Mars, the Roman god of war, turns retro early month along with the planet of karma, Saturn, which is not an especially pleasant occurrence. March did come in like a Lion, or maybe a Russian Bear? So it isn’t that surprising to see the explosive geopolitical headlines now, Ukraine, today, which country tomorrow? The war … Continued

Astrology January 2014

The recent January 31st new moon in Aquarius arrives with the Chinese New Year of the Fire Horse along with a couple of other helpful star notes.  This time it’s a yang wood horse,  meaning a fiery and competitive year,  which is thought to be fortunate and propitious and encourage modes of transportation!   So … Continued

Astrology January 2014

Welcome to the New Year, it’s 2014, which looks to be a slightly better year than the last two, even though it’s not a perfectly set up .  January first commenced with a deep night, “dark of the moon” new moon at 1:34 am in Capricorn along bringing to five the number of planets (Venus, … Continued

Astrology December 2013

Welcome to the last month of 2013, which appears to be slightly better than the previous 30 days. The New Moon of the 2nd ushers in a two week period of excitement and brilliant thoughts; it’s the archer shooting his arrow right into the heart of truth that must be spoken, but maybe a thought … Continued

Astrology October 2013

Hello everyone, welcome to November 2013, the month that swept in under the solar eclipse energy of the star “Swati”, ruled by “Marut”, god of the winds.  Swati is a restless whirling star that has been known to fling storms and atmospheric disturbances such as Hurricane Sandy a year ago.  Only this time, it’s a … Continued

Astrology October 2013

Hello all, well obviously October has begun on a less than auspicious note. Mars and Venus are locked in a tight box; at cross purposes and setting off Scorpio eclipse energies. Then there’s the October 4th New Moon (5:46 pm PDT), mash up, oh dear, what a scene, yellow tape marking the collision site please. … Continued