Astrology August 2015

Astrology August 2015

The beginning of August is less imperial than usual, because of the confusion and uncertainty caused when five planets, yes, five, are in retrograde at the same time. Looking backwards isn’t always that terrible, it’s a time for sorting, figuring, planning, taking from the past what can be useful ahead. Many birth charts with four … Continued

Astrology July 2015

Welcome to July, a little later than usual which is why you’ll find a bit of August to munch on at the end. This month, named for Julius Caesar, seems to fall into three different periods. It’s a month brimming with a lot of fire and water, creating steam, don’t we know. The main period … Continued

Astrology June 2015

Hello all and welcome to a slightly better time! What an early month upsurge for all of you air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Especially if you are early in the signs, or have a moon or rising degree there. Astrology, from its earliest days, was meant to be a way-shower, foR both life’s unexpected … Continued

Astrology May 2015

Hello everyone, I’m back, my Gemini fingers are typing again, and just as this was going out, great news! A royal baby girl arrived early this morning. Such excitement and what a terrific chart . Yes she will be a strong little Taurus but gentle, with Cancer as her rising sign ruling her demeanor, and … Continued

Astrology February 2015

The month opens with a burst of enthusiasm , inspiration and ideals all of which culminates on the full moon of the 3d and 4th, after which time, the air will slowly be let out of the balloon . But what’s not to love about that Aquarian high minded brilliance that scores such innovative ideas? … Continued

Astrology January 2015

Our New Year begins with the rarest of occurrences, astrologically speaking that is. For 2015 is immediately launched into a new field of endeavor and change with the full moon of the fourth. It’s been 2600 hundred years since the same identical set of planetary configurations has occurred. Mid month brings quite a topsy turvy … Continued

Astrology December 2014

Maybe you’ve noticed this upsurge of energy and self-motivation that may have bestowed itself upon you in these first few days of December. You can attribute that to a combination of six fire planets, along with an early month Aries moon saying “let’s do it”. With three optimistic Sagittarians in the group, it’s well, a … Continued

Astrology November 2014

Entering the time of Scorpio, here we are, and what a different month it is from 'Rocktober', ok I borrowed that one. But still there are some planetary grids to contend with, like the 7th out of 8 meet ups between Pluto and Uranus, which has greatly aggravated the warmongering and revolutionary background to planet … Continued

Astrology September 2014

Welcome to September with its annual rotation of seasons, the Fall equinox, or Q3, however you may see it. The events of the past month presaged by that dicey full moon of the ninth, have left us all on edge, what’s next ? What presages such cruelty across the ocean in the Middle East, astrologically … Continued

Astrology August 2014

Hello all, well I wish I could be one of those Pollyanna astrologers who toss out bon mots and promise sunny days with flower bouquets wrapped in a fortune cookie. But, sadly, I'm not that person and as I look at the health scan of August 's astrology, especially the full moon locale in middle … Continued