Hello star friends, March’s cosmic sky will have been launched by the new moon later on February 27th into the waters of Pisces. Now keep life vests at hand, for this calendar shows some shocking announcements and surprises, and not so many prizes. It’s a month I’ve been watching for some time.
Endings, beginnings all in a 2025 year that numerology labels a 9. Nines speak of endings, and finalities. What an interesting year this will be, and already has been!
Up from the deep sea of Piscean meanings, comes imagination, compassion, exaggeration, some hype, and then there might be chaos and confusion. Lastly the soul depth qualities of Pisces have also been attributed to deep spiritual enlightenment. More on that further down. So here we are, with 6 planets in Neptune’s sign, and all of them filling just half of the sky, and making for a nice lineup. In this month of two eclipses, be somewhat careful with speech and actions, because it looks to be a rather harsh March and I’m hoping we won’t get hit by an iceberg, political, financial or otherwise.
We will take a look at some current charts adding in some historic parallels where they align. In saying that I will try to be hold back and stay serene while writing this letter. All hands off the deck. Anchors away.
MARCH ARRIVES in a wetsuit swimming out in an extremely rare water posse of Sun, moon, Rahu, Merc, Saturn, Neptune, and black moon Lilith all in the sign of Pisces. An interesting part is that from the 28th to 2nd we’ll be able to see this parade up in the sky, not Pluto, but the rest of the gang with a good telescope. Whilst some of this Piscean arrangement can induce confusion, deception, it also can set the stage for inspiration and creativity. And what do we have ? Sunday the 2nd, is Oscar awards night! Hollywood’s best is at it again and wow, did they pick a stellar night. Mars to the Sun will be pushing the accelerator on the next few day’s energy pedal. We’ll take it .
We might call Sunday the 9th, the shortest day, just 23 hours, when the clock jumps an hour ahead to daylight savings. Then here comes Saturn moving closer to the Sun in preparation for the month’s biggest cosmic event.
Brace yourself.
March 13th – 15th The full Worm moon in Virgo (11:55 pm PDT) comes around with a lunar eclipse along with Saturn, Neptune and the north lunar node Rahu. Then on the 14th, the trickster, Mercury, goes retro just to add some more confusion to the sky’s reflection back at us. Caution is advised here due to serious fractious assets for certain charts and here I’m posting a red flag regarding those birthdays from13 -17th December, June, March, September. Please all of you stay safe.
Now you can see why these days, are the real Ides of March.
Will Caesar be going to the forum? Well if he does or doesn’t, Donald Trump’s chart is not looking so good. Aside from ongoing pressures and disagreements, a much deeper issue would likely be his health, given several obstructing aspects to significant parts of his June 14, 1946 lunar eclipse birth chart. His Sun and moon bundled up to natal karmic points with Chiron, all getting slammed by Saturn,Neptune and Mercury at this eclipse, shoves a heavy load onto his Self.
Here I’ll include the sad coincidence that sooner or later, Saturn in these Ides of harsh March will more than likely send Pope Francis to his place of highest exaltation. Birth, December 17, 1936 Argentina. No more needs to be said.
Next chart would be that of our own USA July 4th, 1776. Our natal Sun square to Saturn has always been described as our rejection of monarchical rule. Oh, and right now Mars at 17 Cancer is red-lining that particular aspect. It’s always been No Kings for US. So much more will becoming out now into into early April. Wait, there’s another hit to our USA’ s chart’s natal Neptune Mars square with Saturn sending a punch to our gut. The slam covers much deceit, deception and untruths to our 9th house of news and publication. Faux news that is.
Diving back into US history, we can see a current astronomical repeat reminiscent of the disgruntled Whigs and Know Nothing parties’ fading in the later 1850’s. Political winds have rumored of a possible new party arising out of our current national mishmash.
We’ll see.
It was a former member of the northern Whig party himself, Abraham Lincoln, whose hope to unite the disparate forces brought him into the newly formed Republican party. Then in April 1861, with present time Neptune very close to its165 year repeat at the last degree of 29 Pisces, the guns went off at Fort Sumter and the the Civil war began. Thus the approaching entry of both Saturn and Neptune into Mars ruled Aries has many of us star sleuths on edge.
Another interesting piece of the Neptune rotation in Pisces is the historical connection to interesting religious/spiritual shifts. The American Transcendental movement, 1840 – 1850’s nurtured by earth loving Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Transcendentalism encouraged thoughts such as spirituality may be better found in nature away from traditional religion, therefore allowing for a more personal connection to the divine. Referred to by some as a progressive “American experiment” focusing on individuation, women’s rights, education, with “Self Reliance” as their password. Our own 21st century’s emerging interests in Eastern meditation practices, the “Yoga Generation, and the slippage in traditional church attendance, all produce evidence of another elusive Neptune in Pisces repeat.
March 22nd Here’s a day I really like. The first day of Spring. with the Sun, Venus and North lunar node all at in 1 Aries . Party time! Some thing is big here because Pluto and Neptune are very close to the ! Aries celebration. Strong moment! Venus the night star will now just be Venus the day star, for a while, due to the Sun sitting so close. It’s a new beginning and forward motion for certain someones somewhere. I hope it’s US!
Later month, March 29th, solar eclipse at 9 Aries 3:58 am pdt) in vedic Uttara Bhadra signifying the end of a cycle, the end of “life” very fitting for the late Pisces, since April 1 is the beginning of the year in many ancient cultures. But the vedic meaning goes even deeper into an understanding of a soul’s journey and what that spirit has accomplished and gained on its earthly path. I’m always watching for solar eclipse triggers, or paybacks, and the best part of this one will come in early May!
Heading into mid April (yes I said mid) the sky begins to slowly clear away some of the March drek, and we’ll finally begin to hear some strong voices . Plus the Neptune Saturn pairing at 1 Aries is now here! A new chapter, although a bit feisty with its decisive Martian quality. A lot will be said on this subject in the months to come, including Russia’s history given this very close Saturn Neptune connection’s 36 year repeat. Ok, i did mention this in a pervious letter but here it is: 1989 fall of the Berlin wall, 1953 death of Stalin, 1917 murder of the Czar Nicholas II and his family. What’s next?
I know it’s been a hard swim. Your dolphin fins and mermaid tails are wiped out so I’ll leave you with this : It has been said that 2025 – 2026 will set off the next life chapter of ourselves, our world and 2026 will be a ten year! Ten being a lucky wheel of fortune number! We can hang on. Coffee anyone? Or something stronger?
OPPORTUNE DATES: 1, 4, 9, 19, 20, 24, 29
BIRTHDAYS OF NOTE: The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun if closely aspected present month. I don’t generalize on a large swath of 1- 30 dates for which I could never be specific, but Sun Sign astrology can be entertaining and it certainly makes money.
Normally a true birth time will provide an accurate rising sign and degree of the moon. Call these the Three Majors. Then we can begin to talk true astrology. The Sun is still very significant for it represents the soul’s manifestation in the outer world, health issues and then the house position gets even more specific. Vedic astrology is primarily based on the moon, for its quickly shifting degree descriptions and chart dominance. Planet, sign, house, is how we begin. If you’d like to see your own chart for these details just follow the link provided.
MARCH 13 -14th Well, if you’ve read the letter above, you’ll know that it’s a good idea to celebrate this eclipse birthday carefully and just be safe.Now that refers to then in your charts, body, self, work. But you probably have other planets, degrees, aspects that can mitigate such harshness.
MARCH 19 – 21st Now I really like the exact birthday aspect of Venus and north node to your Suns at 1 Aries, plus! the added sextile call it a gift, of support from Pluto! Not Putin!
MARCH 29 – 30th SolarEclipse birthdays are very rare but also very important. Now the good news will be yours for the taking by late later April to the first part of May. Payback.
APRIL 1 – 6 th Well you can smile now because Jupiter, right next to you, is bringing lights and some fun into your world, Its also expansive in whatever way you’d like that.
APRIL 9 -12th Ok i’m being very serious here. Please be very watchful in the last say 10 days of March. Your much better days will arrive later April, sorry but I have to be honest.
APRIL 19 – 21st Some harder days have been in your world for a little while for which you may blame Pluto. Your happy times show up later in May into June! Mars, Venus and Jupiter will be your besides then. So Plan a vacation maybe?
MAY 10 – 15th Well you scored, that lunar eclipse time has such a strong aura that it covers your birthdates, but ! in a positive way! and to have Saturn and Mars all month as your security guards what could be better?
MAY 18 – 22nd Wow so much is just ahead for you! And it’s all very exciting ! Whatever it is that you are thinking of doing or becoming in your deep brain, get on it , soon!
MAY 27 – May 31st So nice to have that solar eclipse in perfect alignment to yourselves! it’s a promise for days to come, as in helpful answers strong! Early to md May is your time!
JUNE 1 – 5th yes, Jupiter will be Marching across your Suns all month so that’s good news. The bump from that bitch Lilith mid month says don’t get intimidated any arguments.
JUNE 12 – 15th Be very careful mid month because that sky is not too friendly up there mid month. Now as i always say, one most likely has other planets and aspects to mitigate things if a problem. Saturn against the Suns could be a health ringer so pay attention to your numbers .
JUNE 17- 20th Now you have other aspects, not just the sun at 25 – 29 Gemini. Therefore the confusion from Neptune shouldn’t be your biggest worry and you probably already know what it’s doing. Your fave days are getting closer, some in April, then mid May to early June!!Yes!!
JUNE 27- 28th Very early month, very end of February saw a new moon solar eclipse!! that was such a gift to you! it signals a new beginning and its very strong. Way better days await you near your birthday into July!!
JULY 4 – 10th You’ll have Mars and Saturn both to thank for the support and energy you’ll be receiving most of this month!
JULY 12 – 15th Well the Ides Of March aspects suit you just fine, no problem!! Then, as Mars gets his running shoes on you’ll feel that energy lair month all into April. You’re lucky to have Saturn as a friend these days, It doesn’t happen very often.
JULY 17 – 20th Neptune’s crossing into later Pisces is a straight up gift to you! It’s inspiration, deep soul gifts. Lucky you ! Saturn coming right up behind will be an additional gift for health and strength.
AUGUST 1 – August 6th You lucky Leos, to have that friend in Jupiter riding along next to you ! What a friend have you now! It brings fun, expansion and hope.
AUGUST 9 – 14th Most of the month has 2 fire creatures who’ll be revving up your engines,, powerful asteroids called Eris and Chiron. Fill up your tank or put the charger in.
AUGUST 15 – 20th Just use caution in everything you do until July, Why? That earth disrupter and rebel Uranus is blocking you in certain ways. Put him on hold and just know that your best days await in mid May to early June!! The creep will be leaving in a couple of months.
SEPTEMBER 4 – 10th ok the best news is that you have Mars riding with you for most of the month into April! Energy, drive, excitement ! Slight push back from Jupiter but not too bad.
SEPTEMBER 13 – 15th Now i’m a little cautious about this lunar eclipse plus Saturn over your Suns. Tne better part will be later month with Mars on his way through friendly Cancer and a big help to you through mid April.
SEPTEMBER 18 – 21st The lunar nodes, ketu south node, crossing over your Suns tells me a lot. It’s probably a serious life changing moment for you in many ways and not all bad. So much can come forward wth these changes. And then best bart is the inspiration piece from rebel Uranus! love it!
OCTOBER 1- 5th The good part is that Jupiter riding along in Gemini at these exact degrees to your Libra Suns is pretty nice! Fun, friends, up beat and even cheerful in crummy times!
OCTOBER 12 – 15th I’m not too worried about this mid month Ides Of March for you, maybe just a bit of an off the seat moment. The slight distraction aspects would be quincx from Uranus and Saturn, not so good. Watch out and then hello April!
OCTOBER 18 -21st Well that Pluto creature is hitting your Suns, so I’d suggest taking it easy and letting things play out but eliminate any stress and irritating persons if you can !
OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 1st well lucky you, that late February very early March new moon just loves you chart! It’s called a new beginning and you have strong support for this!
NOVEMBER 12- 15th Well, imagine that your charts should do really well with that Lunar Ides of March event! And! you also have Saturn for strength, Mars for energy.. No complaints!
NOVEMBER 27- 30th That late March Solar eclipse really likes you. It’s a gift, and an up, but also very powerful with payback dates arriving in early to mid May!! Mother’ s Day!
DECEMBER 1- 5th Hi guys, Jupiter and Lilith are not being helpful mid March so just hold on . Time goes quickly. You’ll see. April likes you way better.
DECEMBER 12- 17th ok I’m serious here. Please be very careful around these IDES of MARCH dates, because they affect you as well. Lay low, no long drives, and Saturn is blocking something too but he’ll be gone by April..
DECEMBER 19 – 21st, Careful times you’re in a big moment of karma and life change which can even be good! Pay close attention to what you see and hear, even writ sit down. The payback comes later spring for you!
JANUARY 11 – 15th That lunar eclipse Ides of March was really ok for you ! And, to have Saturn hanging securely with you is a straight up gift! Security guard!
JANUARY 16 – 21st Hang on, the excitement part is on the way. And you can thank Neptune for the deep inspiration, the nodes for the lift to your fate and karma. its all pretty nice, and Saturn is your health pal! March 20 -21st a special day .
JANUARY 27 – 30th That Later March solar eclipse likes you a lot and that’s really helpful the further you drive into April! And even better is early to mid May! Party time.
FEBRUARY 1- 5th Early Febs you have the gift of Jupiter riding right next to you. And that’s an up a plus an expansion.
FEBRUARY 14 – 17th Please be very careful since Uranus, that trouble maker is hitting your house off and on. Things are changing of which you are already aware. Full moons in Taurus emphasize this. Careful in early May.Otherwise you ll have a friend in Jupiter as you move on into mid May.