Our month begins with a perfect lineup of Mars, Venus and Saturn in water.  So let’s take it as a nice ending to the Oktoberfest weekend’s “ein prosit” and cheers to all, because we’ll need any dregs of optimism and calmness moving forward. 

Well, as we’re in the Chinese Year of the Fire Dragon, whose birth years are said to represent  positive qualities like power, strength, good luck, and wisdom. Now in ancient times times Fire Dragons were also thought to control natural elements such as wind and water.  Climate change?  We’ll have to see about that last one . 

The global as well as our own political charts show it to be a raucous even calamitous month. 

I’m watching later October for some of these problems and I’ll be sharing some thoughts on the election.   It’s  looking to be a rough month so if you’d rather sign off, sure go ahead, because I’m not holding back. 


September 30 – October 6th. The early days show promise and strength, at least for those who put their minds to it. Then Tuesday the 2nd’s, annular solar eclipse (11:49 am pdt) with Mercury, occurs in a very interesting vedic segment of early Libra called Hasta, meaning “the hand”. The positivity of these  exact Libra Hasta Suns, directed as they are to pick up that phone, shovel or pen, and just do it, holds out for a couple of days. Staying strong, as in the face of devastating weather is a Hasta trait.  

The slightly better news of these same early days, for some anyway, settles under the calming water trine of Mars, Saturn and Venus.  Even call it a blessing for the two religious/spiritual events that are occurring simultaneously.  We’ll take it. The high holy days of the Jewish faith begin at sundown on the 2nd, concluding on the 12th with the most sacred night of atonement, Yom Kipper.  Hindu communities are also coming together to celebrate the feast of the Divine Mother, Navrati . The nine nights of of devotion, October 3d to 11th, are separated by 3, to honor Ma Durga, goddess of courage, then Ma Lakshmi, goddess of property and abundance, then Ma Saraswati goddess of music and education. 

October 7 – 14th 

Unhappy birthday Oct 7th, for Pluto, oh sorry, I meant Putin. Too bad so sad for Vlad, the sky has some darker aspects for his desperate self, slinging nuclear threats as he is, to even non nuclear allies of nuclear fueled NATO friends.  My Gemini curiosity has brought up some interesting Russian astro history for us. It’s very likely that certain national crises will arise in 2025-6 when Saturn and Neptune repeat their approximate every 36 year contribution/retribution to the history of Russka, 1917(end of the Romanovs) ,1953 ( death of Stalin),1989 (Berlin Wall). Maybe even as soon as March?   

Then it’s our turn, as Mars landing early month right on the USA birth chart, crisscrosses with the solar eclipse scales of justice, the very symbol of Libra Problems ahead.  

October 9th Today’s Jupiter change from stationery into retro at  21 Gemini, emphasizes one of the J guy’s significant traits, and it’s all about truth.  This retro continues all the way back to 11 Gemini early Feb 2025 when it will provide a welcome trigger to the October 2nd solar eclipse. What has been hidden to be revealed at last? 

Coming along Thursday to Monday better pull up that flack jacket, since we’ll have some serious matters.  Could even be D day for certain persons. Hold on, there’s more.  

Sunday 13th, Might be a good day for Trump. Brief but ok.  

Then come Monday the 14th, another shock arrives.

Would this have to do with the Middle East, or the Russia Ukraine 2 and a half year mess?  

Some secretive and explosive information is likely to be revealed under that angry squad of Mercury slamming Pluto. Then there’s  Venus in Scorpio opposed by death star Algol, both in square to the Aquarius moon. It’s set to be a wild ride for sure, along with some radical shifts in certain areas, like even $$ ? 

OCTOBER 15 – 17th A shock for Kamala lands soon with Pluto hitting her Mercury, creating a stressful situation.  Might it be something repressed or hidden until now?

It’s also right here that Pluto stands still and moves direct to shortly end his path through governmental and rule oriented Capricorn since 2008.  Soon he’ll edge into Aquarius, which has been mentioned before, and the new “Aira”, as in “freedom for the people” will soon begin.  Who will become the next front liners ?  Next gens?

Full moon Oct 17th !! Another hard day with the month’s stress perseverating even more thanks to nasty Mars still in watery Cancer. And it’s not sending any helpful messages to Kamala, with Pluto square to her Mercury yikes, some bad news?

But later October her chart is hit with several pushbacks, then Trump’s progressed chart has its own slew of attacks, but not road kill.  

October 20th Kamala Harris’ birthday, and coincidentally or serendipitously? Both she and Tim Walz arrived in the 1964 birth year of the Fire Dragon, same as  2024.  Can you tell?  Here’s wishing her  a happy birthday although these later month’s pressure buildups will slam a definite hammer on the gavel reaction to November 1st new moon at 11 Scorpio ( 5:47 am pdt).

October 31 – November 1st Vedically known as Swati, this powerful sun and moon combo is said to describe strong and difficult character traits. (Bill Gates, Pablo Picasso). Included with wisdom and courage, there can often be the desire to make a name for one’s self in the world. This lunar event will challenge Trump’s Pluto, his outer persona, and sense of power in the most predominate part of his chart. 

What do I think about the election?

Ok here we go. Presidential olympics, maybe more like political paralympics, has never been an easy game.  Now moving over to November 5th 6th, both Harris and Trumps’ charts show some identical upbeat aspects from Jupiter, whatever that will mean. “ He won ! no, she did! “ “It was rigged!” Close as it’s likely to be, we probably won’t have an immediate answer anyway.    

A note of caution here. The Pluto square to Mars aspect on those precise days points to a fire storm of protests and lawlessness.  Still have that vest? Or might there be an emotional self- protect -vest on sale somewhere, hello Amazon? 

Then along comes November 15th’s powerful full moon in Taurus with Algol again, throwing meteors like hammerhead sharks. Not so good for a couple of charts.  Of the two VP choices, I’d say that Tim Walz’ chart looks the more likely to hold up the flag, as do certain positive aspects for Kamala. Sorry to disappoint some of you, but it does look like the Fire Dragons will be putting out some future fires for US even though the Truth may not be confirmed right away.   

That would be my answer.  And now the Siren will be putting down her horn and heading out to collect some pumpkins for All Hallows Eve, and candles for Samhain

DAYS OF BEST USE : 1, 2, 8, 16, 19, 23, 28*


The following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun not just a large swath of 1- 30 dates for which I could never be specific.

I only mention specific dates of the Sun that are affected in a current month. Normally a true birth time will provide an accurate rising sign and degree of the moon. Call these the Three Majors. Then we can begin to talk true astrology. The Sun is still very significant for it represents the soul’s manifestation in the outer world, health issues and then the house position gets even more specific. Planet, sign, house, is what how we begin. If you’d like to see your own chart for these details just follow the link provided.?www.astrodienst.com

OCTOBER 1- 3 A brief calmness for these birthday Suns, best of the month. Should your Sun be at 10 Libra, on the 2nd, the birthday solar eclipse will bring you another bday gift inJanuary and February 2025. Expect a year of dynamic change. There’s a piece of karma that goes with something as rare as an eclipse birthday. 

OCTOBER 17 – 18th Full moon birthdays are loaded with excitement, which all depends on the exact chart, one bump here but charts have many aspects. The real pay day is coming late Spring. 

OCTOBER 30 – NOVEMBER 1st Well the late month’s new moon to your Suns indicates a new phase for you!  It could be a really good one depending on the exact chart.  Early early month the sky likes you a lot and, plus that wingman Saturn helping you for two months! Lucky you! 

NOVEMBER 6 – 12th Early month, first 10 days at least, such a beautiful helpful water triangle to inspire you! Oh and calm things down if need be.

NOVEMBER 19 – 21 just a note of caution for 2 days mid month, 16 and 17th. Otherwise the outer planets, Pluto and Neptune still have you covered and that’s a gift! 

NOVEMBER 27 – 30th The exciting part is about that north node sliding perfectly next to your Suns, as in karmic pay back time. It’s short, maybe a month or 2 but later October, Mars joins in and that’s when you’ll see Action! 

DECEMBER 1-4th Guess what ? The sky has a present for you, yes and it’s called the October 2nd Solar Eclipse! That stellar support is subtle but real, and next February you’ll get something nice from it! 

DECEMBER 13 – 18th The full moon of the 17th lends you a nice perk of air and fire, perfect for you! Upbeat, positive and that makes Jupiter your friend also!  

DECEMBER 20 – 21st.  No surprise what you’ve been dealing with for a while. It’s called confusion thanks to Neptune. You have many other aspects and planets in a chart so it’s probably ok.

JANUARY 13 – 14th Right around mid month, same dates, be very careful, play it safe. Too many obstacles up there in the sky.

JANUARY 18 – 21st As the month rolls down later just go with the times and lay down as well. The stress late month is no one’s friend. But, the new chapter is on the horizon, yes! 

JANUARY 26 – 30th The good news has a karmic piece to it, life supporting a certain shift in plans? All of which is highly favored later month by Mars !

FEBRUARY 10 – 14th  Lucky you because Jupiter is skying (my new word) right with you as in a secret wing man, or woman. Very late month Venus arrives to bake the cake.

FEBRUARY 16 – 18th Oh hey that full moon on the 17th is a gift of excitement for you, if you can handle anymore , given that you’ve been dealing with that Uranus devil upsetting a few things in your life. 

FEBRUARY 28 – MARCH 2nd. The late month new moon is your friend! and earl Month Mars will join in to the party. Happy Halloween! 

MARCH 6 – 13th The first part of this month has a nice surprise for you, way better than a CBD gummy, its a water trine, smooth and calming to your Suns! Yay! Much needed I”m sure.   

MARCH 16 – 22nd Well that lineup of friends to your Suns  is really something! Mars, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are having a party for you, late month. Shh don’t tell them I told you.  

MARCH  24 – 29th So interesting this piece of karmic activity directly over head for you right now.  Very strong and meaningful, a life change? Later month, after the full moon, you’ll have a friend named Mars to jumpstart that engine.Its good ! 

APRIL 11 – 15th Jupiter hanging out with you as a wingman or wingwoman is a nice perk, and hell be around like this for another month!

APRIL 17 – 18th The Full moon of the 17th is a bit raucous for your Sun, you. Just blame it on Mars. Of course you have other aspects so its not just this one.

APRIL 20 – 21st The world and the sky are changing by the minute. Pluto is being a beast to your Sun, yourself,  but thankfully this isn’t your only aspect , or planet ! 

MAY  6 – 11th How did you get so lucky to have this lovely water trine to calm your Suns early month.  Better than a CBD gummy.And Mars is helping out way in to the third week! Lucky cows!

MAY 15 – 19th You‘ve been dealing with this emotional earthquake called Uranus for some time. He’ll be around for a few more months. Helpfully ‘you’ve also had Pluto nearby to stop the crashing, and even Neptune to offer his inspiration. 

MAY 21 – 29th How interesting too have north node in early Aries side lining favorable with you! This adds strength and courage to any plans and ideas, later month it amps up.

JUNE 1 – 4th Hey you early Gems, this solar eclipse is a really nice surprise for you, and the real payback will be heading your way in all of January and February! 

JUNE 10 – 15th You lucky Mercury children to have Jupiter over head forth next two months how great is that ? It is!. One other thing, is that Chiron is also sending his team to hep out with things.

JUNE  16 – 18th Hi, that full moon of the 17th should be kinda fun for you!  Mercury likes you a lot early month too. 

JULY 3 – 6th Early month’s nice water trine is a gift of calmness for you in case you might be needing some help. 

JULY 17 – 18th The Full moon of the 17th doesn’t look to friendly for your Suns, so just take it easy and go slow. Mars overhead is hitting the go pedal, just say no. The better news has been Neptune’s guiding spirit to enlighten and lift you up! Creative! 

JULY 30 – AUGUST 1st, A  note of caution for Halloween, a bit confusing right there. Don’t dress up as Captain hook, you might lose that paw. Then, October 24 -26 are pretty nice high energy days for you. 

AUGUST 17 – 18th The Full moon of the 17th should bring some joy and energy into your world.  The ongoing problem has been that Uranus guy we’ve mentioned before. But you can deal with it, you were born in the strongest part of Leo. 

AUGUST 30 – SEPTEMBER 1st  The later month Scorpio new moon of the 31st-1st is really good news for you! 

SEPTEMBER  4 – 10th hey there’s a nice surprise for you early this month, yes a nice calming water trine, lap it up! Earth loves water, don’t you know! 

SEPTEMBER  13 – 18th mid month has a nice runner boy for your errands, called Mars. Just tell him what you need, and even Venus will join him! Teamwork!  Harder part has been the slight blockage from Jupiter something you’ve been dealign with. he soigné backwards so you’ll be free from into December to March.

SEPTEMBER 26 – 30th Early Libra, hasta babes .  Let’s take charge, well handle it. The interesting part is having the moon’s south node in the same degree crossing over your Suns, a suggestion for a life change perhaps?  You’ll know. Late month Venus says yes to this idea!