Astrology November 2015
It’s the time of Scorpio, and such a combust of Virgo energies have we here! This duo
inclines towards business and health matters, and allows no time for self pity. It’s all
about getting the work done and seeking power, ruthlessly if necessary. This
month shows two distinct periods. The first twenty days lie in a sort of combat zone, and
the following ten days turn a different shade which has it’s own uniquely Sagittarian
stamp and geometric complexity for us to ponder. On top of that we have two meteor
showers, sending even more electricity into the atmosphere . Then I want to address two
very immense patterns that have captivated our collective psyches. The approaching
Saturn Neptune square along with the several year run of the Pluto Uranus square that is
still in orb share fascinating historic parallels.
A rocket launch worthy of NASA hurls this November into history, fuelled as it is by a
trio of Virgo planets, all nicely triggering the previous solar eclipse (action time).
Mercury goes into his posture of spying for the CIA, exalted in Scorpio that he is, while
Pluto behaves for once adding his fist to underworld power. The Time of Scorpio doesn’t
hold back, and this month holds high the symbolic resonance of the most noble eagle and
its nemesis, the backbiting and deceitful scorpion. Scorpio celebrates surgeons, warriors,
sharp minded lawyers and politicians. No wonder we always hold our elections at this
time, and on a Tuesday, which is the day of the warrior god, Mars.
November 10-13th New moons characterize the following fourteen days and this one,
November 11th, 9:40 am pst. under the vedic star of Vishaka will undoubtedly be true to
the underside of the Scorpion nature. I expect harsh words, quarrelsomeness, and a
general atmosphere of discordant verbiage in an unending battle for power. Adding to the
fray is the very dicey and often dangerous Mars and North node (Rahu) connection, a
once every two year occurrence. These aspects pertain to the world situation, but, heck,
those GOP debates are also set for Tuesday the 10th. Should you have planets in 16-21st
degrees of Scorpio, this can actually be helpful for you! Check here (Lunaruim) to see).
On a brighter note, this Scorpio new moon oversees the most joyous of Indian feasts,
Diwali, or festival of lights, which is celebrated today all over India and various places in
the world. Candles and offerings are the order of the day, lifting that energy to the realm
of the noble eagle. Diwali celebrates the victory of good over evil widely observed by
Buddhist, Jains Hindus and Sikhs. Maybe we should all join in this party?
November 12th This is the day not one, but two eclipses are being spotlighted, it’s
actually not so harsh since Venus is involved. A carry over from last night’s rituals ? And
for you early risers, the best view of the Taurids meteor showers will be before dawn. Is
there enough excitement? How nice for a change.
November 15-17th Later Saturday’s Capricorn moon along with Pluto, would like to
engage with Uranus and cause a ruckus, but best to ignore it and move into a quieter
Sunday, whose void moon says do very little, relax! Monday the 17th’s Leonid meteor
showers, along with a couple of little astro gifts, creates a day of Note. The moon in
Aquarius trines Mars earlier, then hops over to Venus later, all of which makes for some
lighter moments . Use it well for here comes the next piece.
Sliding into the background we can see Saturn approaching the first
square to mystical Neptune. Historically these entanglements between the lord of rule, of
taxes and karma clashing with the undersea element of delusion and magic, bring about
debates on matters such as drug abuse and assisted suicide.
A Recent NY Times headline emphasized the unfortunate deaths of younger white people
from abuse of opiates and alcohol, and suicide. Also up now will be more discussions
about a new kind of terrorist invasion, except this time it’s on the turf of the "cloud". The
new miasmic demon, cyberspying.
Still eyeing each other across the sky in a confrontational manner, has been the
square between Uranus and Pluto. Looking backwards into history, this pattern has seen
the disruption of established religious forms and societies. Most intriguing was the
angry mob of the French revolution, November 1793, which declared itself a "Church of
Reason" and not of god. Thus was a Parisian actress, a "Queen", paraded through the
streets of Paris and set upon the "Throne of Reason" at the cathedral of Notre Dame.
Religion was banned and violaters punished by death. Familiar?
This collective set of aspects, similar to present times, was also overhead during the early
days of the nineteen thirties which saw the mad grab for power with the rise of several
Dark Knights, like Hitler, Stalin, and Chairman Mao .
Moving upward in time we come to 1963 and the Kennedy assassination, which
occurred under the same Saturn square to Neptune placement, and unleashed powerful
waves of grief which then called for a deep spiritual awakening. This set the stage to
the revolution of the sixties along with the Uranus and Pluto tight diametric.
We’re approaching a similar time, with ISIS, the failed Arab Spring, and a Pope of the
People, throwing over some of the old doctrinaire ways of the church.
It’s a fascinating and dangerous time whose patterns call for the most profound vision and leadership.
November 19th, 20th and back to our calendar! Today’s direct motion of Neptune
correlates with the Sun and Mercury combined, thereby creating a power day. It’ time to
move plans ahead and make those decisions long delayed.
The Nov 25th Full moon in Gemini, or vedic star Krittika, is a powerful time, with a generous moon setting up a more bountiful two week period. The sun shines exactly
opposite in early Sagittarius under the vedic star or lunar mansion, Anuradha. This
brings out the best of the Scorpio Sag nature. It’s kindly intentions lie in sharp contrast to
the previous lunation. Symbolized by white flowers, and known to be the home of the
moon, Krittika also rules the priesthood and astrologers! Our word "critical" derives
from Krittika, and while kindly, is known to voice its opinions. Even so, this should help
lighten the contrary geometry between Neptune, Mercury and Saturn, and bring us to a
well deserved day of Thanksgiving celebrations.
November 30th, a combination of a day, with one of the best, and rare, aspects, the
brilliant thinking Uranian Mercurian mind, and the Sun and moon in great harmony
along with Saturn the law giver. I’m expecting several matters to be settled here and the
clang of a powerful gavel hitting the table of judgment.
Thank you dear reader, if you made it this far. I know this letter was a lot to take in .
Faithfully yours, Armagedda.
BEST DAYS OF POWER AND INFLUENCE: 1, 5, 6, 11!, 12, !, 13, 17, 19, 20,21,25!, 30
The Following birthdays are based on the very close degrees of the Sun, not a wide swath of an entire month, for which I could never be specific. This is as close as one can get without a true chart based on an accurate time of birth. Normally having someone’s Moon, rising and Sun are the three great components with which to start reading a horoscope. If you need to see your chart for these details, just follow the links to one or both of the choices provided, Lunarium or Astrodienst.
November 1,2nd Beautiful aspects mark your birthday chart, and the strong Virgoan
planets accent work, health very favorably. Dynamic and inspiring these are too! Its good
to be you!
November16-19th Early month especially seems to have your name on it, with such
strong Virgo wingmen to support your every endeavor. It’s a power time for you, what a
great month this is!
November 30th December 1st A different birthday year ahead is laid out for you early
Sagittarians. A "T -square" grid means you will have some hills to climb, but nothing is too
daunting for your built in optimistic selves. Thank your lucky stars the moon in Leo
blends perfectly with your fire sign sun, and Mars joins in the party lending a strong hand.
Maybe best of all is the Mercury Uranian trine that forms the "genius" aspect, so creative!
December 12-16th You mid Decemberites are being asked to watch your cash flow, and optimism along with it with the early month restrictions laid upon you, continuing most of the month by Jupiter who is not being his generous self right now. More helpful is the inspiration bump up from wild Uranus, excitement beyond reason, well you know where that could get you.
December 23, 24, 25th this crazy month brings some heavy weight to your already burdened shoulders, it’s rare combo, involving Mars and the so called head of the dragon,
A crusher sometimes. The new moon period, Nov 10-12th is especially strong, you will need all your wisdom and insight. The semi sextile from Saturn is the gift, how ever slim that is, but it does help.
January 12-16th My these earth planets lined up in Virgo seem to want to perform just for your benefit, and won’t you love that new moon phase! This first half of the month with so much Scorpio Virgo energy matches up to your instincts so perfectly that you can hardly go wrong.
January 19-23th Very similar to the last week, this Mars character lined up with the north node makes a perfect and strengthening aspect to your sun. You may surprise a lot of people when you rise from the couch, or bed and pull your boots back on. The first half of the month brings a major electrical charge of high energy. Onward you early Aquarians.
February 1, 2nd mid month on an energy boost pays off, optimism even returns.
February 9 – 12th I’m not too keen about this moon for you water bearing children, and poor Jeb!, the quincunxes in the chart read like earthquake aspects. Ride this month out on your white horse, but not a VW please. A glimmer of hope lies out ahead in about a month.
February 25-28th, March 1, 2nd, you are the lucky recipients of the first of the Saturn Neptune malaise aspects. Oftentimes dealing with toxic life or toxic substance. Oh the confusion, what am I doing, should I now, or not ? Maybe Later? Do I want this on my plate? Should I try Vegan life? Late month near the Thanksgiving full moon, lay low, say nothing, just ride along with the pilgrims and Indians at the feast.
March 10-13th You are experiencing the life changing arrows of Chiron on your sun opposing Mars and Jupiter on the opposite side, way better than a square, because you can see around the sides how to win! It does bring insight, and a warrior’s belt.
March 19- 21st Well that Mars transit with the tail of karma dragon (Ketu) is hanging right over you at this time, it’s often not pleasant. When something like a health crisis interferes with your life, you can be sure it’s of a karmic (fated) nature. The best approach is that of the inward hermit in his zendo, it will pass over soon enough, keep the prayer beads candles, right attitude going.
March 25-28th Saturn is your friend, supporting you in so many ways, and now the late month full moon opens a door for you as well! One of the few lucky ones right now, is you.
April 6-12th You have been having quite a time with the unpredictable Uranian god hanging so close to your suns. I can only imagine what that combination along with your fiery Arian energy could conjure up. Genius talks here. Listen to him. Thanksgiving week brings even more of the same, only better.
May 10-15th Well someone up thee must like you because the Jupiter transit over last September’s eclipse brings all that energy back over to your sun, and in a really helpful way. He’s got his wingmen Mars and Venus with him especially the first week . And what’s not to be excited about the new moon of Veteran’s day!
May 20-24 The Thanksgiving Full moon is your friend and brings all sorts of Geminesque excitement your way. A feast of talking, socializing, ideas, communication, on a nice silver platter. The nasty confusing angle of Neptune is passing by, its done its dirty work already but may have left a rag or 2 on the floor on his way out .
May 30, 31, June 1, 2nd Now it’s your turn to deal with Saturn opposing and Neptune square, debating whether to move one step forward or two back. During times like these it’s always good to slow down, take good measure of your surroundings and wait until the sun comes back.
June 11-16th Well the helpful sextile of Uranus in Aries has held up the fort, but the prior September solar eclipse energy triggered this month along with Chiron over in Pisces is telling a different story right now. There will be better months, unless of course you have some earth planets in nice locations that can receive the boost from all these Virgo marchers.
June 29, 30, July 1, well here is a light moment indeed, and when the very rare occurrence of Neptune trines your sun, never again probably, you can revel in the light of inspiration, poetry, music, take it all! Mars square to your sun means you must push harder but those hills to climb make you the better person, And then there’s that light beam overhead.
July 12-19th These Virgoan aspects and the new moon of the 12th especially, are made in the sky kitchen just for you. These sextiles and trines in earth and water lined up geometrically perfectly assist you in whatever you need. I say don’t hold back.
July 30, 31, August 1st These aspects of Saturn have arrived to support you in whatever your pans might be. Along with Mars and Mercury he adds strength, go to the next level, you can move upward here! And the 30th is a great day for you, so use it well!!
August 8-10th It’s sounds so crazy to have the god of cyberspace and revolution in your corner, but that’s the story. It’s inspiring challenging, and promises a good ending. Thanksgiving week has the addition of a helpful Venus angle, life improves even more in another month. You’ll see.
September 12-16th I’ m pretty confident about you right now, with so much in positive Virgo and the new moon time especially nice as well, are all lined up in your court. When positive things like this happen, it’s a go forward and take a chance time. This is YOUR moment, humble as I know most of you Virgos tend to be.
September 21-24 Newsflash ! Rahu is conjunct Mars on your Sun! Oh what to do? Well
for one thing there is not much to do but accept the wand that has been passed to you.
This very rare occurrence can bring about legendary moments. You will most likely feel
called, or I should say, pulled, to do something bigger and braver than you have
attempted before. Just do it, know it was supposed to be this way.
October 8-13th Opposition of Uranus on your Suns , is well, a key time in your life to
question, check twice and be careful about major things in your life. What to discard,
whom to eliminate? Or what? Later month holiday time will bring this to a head, as well
it should.