Astrology June 2015
Hello all and welcome to a slightly better time! What an early month upsurge for all of you air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Especially if you are early in the signs, or have a moon or rising degree there.
Astrology, from its earliest days, was meant to be a way-shower, foR both life’s unexpected surprise gifts and its opposite, those untimely descents. To make possible a calm acceptance of events ahead, to become a planning device has always been Astrology ‘s goal. It is not a religion, although it has crossed paths and survived the rise and dissolution of several theologies in the last five thousand years. The ancients saw how the various planetary movements influenced human lives, and as for me, I’ve seen that to be true repeatedly for four decades. When writing a monthly horoscopic review I pay close attention to the moon and it’s two major monthly lunations. The moon is a public planet reflecting the overall mood of the moment, but its global macro effect can filter down as well to you in a very personal micro way. Due to space limitations and the nature of these letters, I can only pour you about two ounces instead of the two gallons, of astro juice, which would be my preference. Therefore, read on brave souls if you will.
June 1st Mercury, Mars, and the Sun have been squeezed in a tight Gemini Cazimi, (a term from the Middle Ages meaning "in the heart of the sun"), and all in a foggy conflict with that dreamer, magical Neptune. Now thankfully they are separating and reason can disentangle itself from the emotional fireball. Hope you had a good weekend.
Monday will see further conflagrations of a different sort, with irrational debates trying to become rational. It’s an intellectually high octane several days. Hold off on signing that lease or deal until the 11-12th if you can. There are brain snags and verbal duels with this opposition between Mercury and Saturn for a few days. Oh, and the verbal parade of presidential candidates is ongoing and so Gemini-esque with all the talking, and more talking.
There is some better new this month, with Venus moving in tandem with Jupiter throughout the entire month of June and all this in harmony with Uranus. This will bestow gifts of gladness on weddings and other celebrations. Thumbs up, like like like.
June 2,3d The Full moon arrives Tuesday at 9:18 am with flags and cymbals in Sagittarius, that world explorer and adventurer, who must say what’s on his mind no matter what. It’s an electric few days with no doubt some partying involved. There is a frenetic vibe going along with this lunation. We’re all too kinetically and cyber wired which assaults our Saurian brains with a lot of information we don’t want or need. This moon period will bring more of the same. Detoxing from constant connectivity is a challenge. Therefore, if we think about the wonderful location of this Sun in the section of early Gemini known as Rohini, the beloved wife of the moon, and absorb some of her gifts of creation in its many forms, i.e, good food, music and all that enhances beauty, we could put our devices on airplane mode and find contentment. As for myself I’m opting for the music tent, Beethoven, Hozier, Jackson Browne, and all the others on my playlist.
The moon itself lands in Jyeshtha , a hero ‘s placement in this segment of Sag, who’s voice speaks out to injustice. Enjoy this celebratory moon phase in all of its generous urges which, in addition, further strengthens the arts, sciences, and business matters.
It’s always a good idea to see where these moon phases land in your own chart and that’s why I am now switching over to link you to Astrodienst instead of Lunarium, since in my opinion it’s easier to navigate. Always check for your Moon and rising sign along with your Sun, the three major components of a chart. If any of these three fall in Gemini, this month highlights you!
June 6, 7th The Aquarian moon makes quite a statement this month with the air and fire line ups, and in fact very sympatico, considering he’s a fairly stubborn and taken with himself sort of moon. It’s Air time, not just streaming, but in all ways, ideas flow, talk is abundant, write it all down.
June 8, 9th A little murkier here with a Piscean moon swimming close to Neptune and Chiron, and clouding the waters with its squares to Sun and Mars and Mercury. Clearer days lie ahead.
June 10th A much stronger couple of days are here! That Aries moon jumps right in and picks up the momentum starting at 4 am PDT, in case you’re up. Fire and air trines all day. Good times !
June 11th What a day, Mercury turns slowly into direct motion here, 3:30 pm , and its slow motion intensifies its impact in a Gemini ruled month. It will take a few days for it to gather its normal speed and rotation, but slow is better in my opinion. Here we have so many positive aspects all under this Aries Moon . Use it to do your best work. Get it all done by 4:45 pm when the moon turns null and void.
June 12th-13th Friday things slow down a bit with the Neptune retrograde and in square to Mercury, more things to sort out, and then a Moon in Taurus square to Venus. Try to avoid this time for signing anything major. But by Saturday optimism is back, the morning hours are especially jovial.
June 14th Here we have a day of mixed blessings.. The moon begins her climb through Gemini on its way to meet the Sun Tuesday. The waning moon collides with Mars then faces off with grumpy Saturn in the morning, later it picks itself up and matches with Mercury, oh an electric dinnertime. Yes, and its Flag Day.
June 15th, Here’s where the month changes course. There are so many bright aspects with the moon blending with, Venus , Jupiter and Uranus in Leo. It’s pretty helpful and matters should flow as we head into June 16th’s new moon(7:02 m pdt).
The Vedic house or nakshatra of this new moon falls under a bright star in Orion’s belt, known as Mrigashira. This part of Gemini favors birds, sea animals, forest products musicians, lovers. Its symbol, the deer, explains the fickle and flirtatious nature ascribed so often to this sign. As much as deer love to wander in especially scenic places, so do these loveable Gemini’s born in this segment of the sign, love to explore paces, ideas, and people, always searching and seeking out quality.
Gemini is the home station for fast talking, gender optional, Mercury. The addition of Mars right now makes this an even more dynamic lunation, pretty much ruling the next fourteen days. Mrigashira Geminis can be adorable, and fun! Which is why Gemini moon people are always in high demand at social gatherings.
June 17th, 18th with Mars so close to the Sun, it’s wise to watch out for any erratic behavior, be it sky diving, shark surfing, or whatever your secret thrill is. The entrance of a Cancer moon blends nicely with imaginative Neptune so the dream factory is in business here. Aim high, make your wishes.
June 18th Late day Thursday, the moon enters Leo, making a steady aspect to Saturn, a gift in so many ways. The feast of Ramadan begins favorably on the other side of the world.
Saturday June 20th Here we find the Moon, Venus and Jupiter all cheerful in Leo and amplified by that rules changer Uranus. It’s a party mode, not a retreat time. This uplift softens the harshness between warlike Mars and prudent Saturn. The world is not at peace, but some can still find reason to celebrate the beginning of summer which begins officially tomorrow.
June 21st It’s Sunday and Solstice Day! The moon moves over into earth sign Virgo, the Sun crosses in watery Cancer, it’s an harmonious shift of values, mores suitable to pruning and taking care of your gardens and tending to Mother Earth than anything else. And yes, you can wear that flower wreath on your head for the dancing later.
June 22, 23d Monday’s Virgo moon is all about business, the harsher aspects occur before sunrise, Pacific time, so the rest of the day is smoother and more organized, which is Virgo’s middle name. Tuesday is quieter with not too many aspects, which is maybe a relief.
June 24, 26th Not to sound too much like Armagedda, (yes it’s been said), I look at these dates in late June with some trepidation, given the headlines and certain overwhelming world events in these times. The eclipse point of March 20th triggered by Mars sets a stage for some raucous and unexpected happenings. It carries a strong drumbeat, and who can say specifically? Will the black pirate flag of ISIS be seen waving defiantly over some new conquered territory?
Mars enters Cancer right here, until the 9th of August. Astrologers are not too keen about Mars’ repressed energy in this oceanic sign. He’s a fighter not an undersea diver and has trouble expressing his thoughts and desires here. When blended with the moon, like in Scorpio early the 26th, he works better.
Being the end of the fiscal year for many, stock market news will no doubt create some headlines.
Late June, 27-July 3d, I’m always optimistic when I see the Sun and Mars! Slide into a perfect trine (a good thing) with Neptune. It’s a musically and spiritually enhancing gift for our small blue planet. And how nice if your birthday lands right in here too! Saturday holds the best aspects with an early Scorpio moon, especially very early in case anyone is up. Sunday the moon is back in Sagittarius, where our month began, and its waxing effect is leading to an expansive full moon on the first of July, and a very welcome few days they are indeed.
DAYS OF POWER: 2!, 5, 6, 10,,11 till 4:45p, 14,15, 20,21,22, 27, July 1
As I don’t have your particular charts and therefore sets of planets, I have chosen several birthdates where the Sun, indicating one’s life force, identity and expression in the world, is most strongly highlighted in the present month. The Sun is a powerful indication in a chart, but it’s not the only determining factor.
JUNE 2nd, 3d Full moon birthdays arrive here with lots of excitement only hopefully not too much. It’s a time for revelations and truths to be told. All cards on the table under full moons. And especially under the chatty ones like this. This is an especially fun one, so live it up.
June 7-21st Birthdays, all in this 2 week section of Gemini will feel the over exuberant drive of Mars in your sign, fueling the higher expectations of yourself, cycling, working out, writing, moving, doing. The new moon of the 16th just cements all of it or I should say provides the outlet for your energy plug? Even better are the two wingmen, Jupiter and Uranus, supporting the aspect. Say thank you to those nice stars.
June 21-26th Another energy blazes across your personal skies, reminding us all of the March 29th eclipse, best to stand back and let these days pass by avoiding any unnecessary problems because whatever they are they can wait. There are some shining lights from the Venus and Jupiter combo and a direct Mercury with the north lunar node, but don’t overreach. There are some good points to note in your solar or birthday, returns.
July 1st -3d late month shines on you and it’s about time now that Pluto has gotten bored with transforming your life to his liking. This is an inspiring time, write, create, dream, its all yours right now.
August 8-16th A really nice Venus , Uranus and Jupiter teamwork crossing your Sun should bring some really nice moments. It’s very uplifting and you deserve it. Especially after last year, you know what I mean.
August 21-24th It’s a slight deviation from your usual track, Saturn is too close to a square to your Suns and likes to create roadblocks. It’s been slightly off putting for a while, but at least he’s going backwards for now and late month looks to be very nice for you.
August 28-31st The Dragon’s head of Karma has moved over onto your Sun, it actually can drive you to achieve what you didn’t think you could, and often against great odds.
The late month sextile from Mars and the Sun in Cancer can only be helpful.
September 19-22nd The Mars Saturn opposition has actually helped you, you alone that is. Now just a word of caution as we approach the 21-25th of this month, unexpected news could throw you sideways, lay low, wait till it passes by. An eclipse is being activated very near your sense of self and identity. But it was only a partial, with only half the usual venom.
October 8-16th so many friendly sky gods are on your team this month, Air likes Air and now we have some fire to brighten your June days as well.
October 30-November 2nd All this time and throughout the summer the magical underwater god Neptune is beaming inspirational light upon you, firing your creative side. DO IT. Late month the emphasis is even more striking.
November later month, 20-24th Restrictions and delays of various kinds have been your roommate for sometime, keep your head together, these things pass. It’s slightly better from the 7th to the 13th.
December 7-13th Really this is pretty wonderful such an uplift, gifts from the sky gods. Celebrate, don’t let it pass by with out something fun planned in your life. One of these, the Uranus trine your Sun, I’ve always favored, since I think of it as little doors opening in my head that release unusual thoughts and creative ideas. It doesn’t happen very often in one’s lifetime and to be supported by 2 more planets at the same time is such a gift.
January 3d to the 8th have had their share of life changing upheavals. It’s as though who you thought you were, you aren’t anymore or never were. It’s an identity crisis for sure played out on different fields, but the good news is that one emerges all the better for it.
Late summer sees some welcome surprises.
January 28, 29th A certain aspect from Saturn is being very supportive right now for you late Capricorns, and a little while back Mars was hanging in there too, both supportive wings help you to reach what you’ve set out to accomplish. The moon in earth sign days June 4th, 13th, 22nd, will be most optimal.
February 18-24th You’ve really been hit hard with the crossing of Saturn squaring the Sun and then Mars adding to the fray. The last few days of June should bring some welcome relief and an upswing of energy, good you’ve needed it.
February 28-March 2nd Thankfully the later month Sun Venus and Neptune trine with your Sun is sure to bring some moments of revelations and inspiration. So nice for a change as you approach the July 1st full moon. It has your name written all over it.
March 20-25th Here we have a slight repeat of your birthday month. The third week of June brings a reminder of this eclipse that heralded the Spring Equinox, now that we’re at the Summer Solstice. It’s a temporary upset, so here’s my thought, don’t plan to get test results, or sign anything major, just wait a few days or do it all early in the month when Venus is in a supporting role with Saturn. And no matter, you still have the strong hand of this old Senex god supporting your every endeavor.
April 3-4th You are still feeling the brush of Pluto’s life altering hand, he wants to be sure you got the message. Life is changing, but its usually for the better and very soon your support system will be arriving, later in 2015. Mid month is your better time, the full moon is quite nice for you as well and that energy lasts over a few days. Cheer up.
April 8-17th What’s there to complain about when the fire signs matched up with some Air planets are exactly holding up your personal skies throughout most of June? I don’t want to hear any complaints.
May 9-15th Just to be really difficult there’s a slight curve ball lessening your brighter moments, you can be happier later, just wait till the fall and you’ll see what I mean. Big thrills ahead, I promise (ok, November, shh)
May 24-31st It looks like you’re trying to sift through some confusing paperwork or issues in any case. The bubble of obfuscation due to retrograde Mercury in your sign degrees, and on top of that a square to murky Neptune. We love Neptune but not when he’s like this, a mud creator. It all improves later in the month and Rahu (the moon’s north node) is steadfastly aligning and strengthening your Sun, just so you know you aren’t alone.