Astrology February 2015

The month opens with a burst of enthusiasm , inspiration and ideals all of which culminates on the full moon of the 3d and 4th, after which time, the air will slowly be let out of the balloon . But what’s not to love about that Aquarian high minded brilliance that scores such innovative ideas? Mercury retrograde in it’s best place, the aforementioned Aquarius, is fine with me, he loves his home turf, and the direct motion of the 11th just steadies the mind allowing for ideas to become facts.
February is the time of hibernation, hear ye all you emotional cave dwellers, writers in your igloos, take note and all try to use it to look inward and rest! . There’s no wonder why this is such a powerful spiritual turning point in a couple of the world’s great religions, Catholicism and Buddhism, Asian and Tibetan. To be still would be the best use of the energies. I love this month.

February 1, 2nd the geometry of planets overhead is so perfect at this moment for a gigantic "yes" on your activities, but be realistic, I mean if you can. We are heading into.

February 3d’s Full moon and lucky gift giving Jupiter is tied in nicely to the Leo moon all very positive and a source of light into darkness. Full moons reveal… and all is seen if you look carefully, especially this one which is in perfect harmony with that teen age rebel, Uranus, and also the moon’s nodes which show much of past and future directions.

It’s a time for definitive action that moves into the 4th,and the retrograde Mercury does not bother me here. There is a nice match up of early Pisces water with Venus and Neptune which guides my attention to the creative side of life.

Shravana, the name given to the location of the Sun in the larger sign of Aquarius, is a designation of silent thinking and inner reflection. It’s looking across the sky at a contrasting sort of moon in the Leo sub-segment known as Ashlesha, which is powerful, yes, and can also harbor a sharp tongued little creature at times. Leo and Aquarius are strong fixed signs, so here is one of those mark it down in red kind of moon phases. The supporting planets help bring out the stronger side of the lunar nature, so all in all it’s an uplifting definite kind of moon that highlights the next fourteen days

With the absence of earth planets, except for Pluto in Capricorn, one should take note of the airy and watery tendencies towards magical unrealistic thinking . Sometimes this is the best for the creative mind, which seems to be in full gear this month, and in sharp contrast to January’s aspects.

February 6th The Sun oppose Jupiter and moon in Virgo oppose Mars make for a high energy day, and after 2 pm PST, stand back, no concrete decisions to be made until after 10 am tomorrow. It’s Friday night so there may be better things to do anyway. Void or "empty" moons are not great times to travel or sign important documents.

February 7-10th Here we have some emotionally high moments, with the Chiron connection to Venus in Pisces calling for some introspection into relationship mishaps. Soul confessions or at least hearts meeting hearts. I am expecting these four days to be buzzing and full of activity.

February 11th Mercury turns direct, the subtle shift may be felt all around, and the very slow motion makes it all the more effective, that is, wherever Aquarius lands in your own chart. The hermaphrodite messenger planet on the American Express card, will slowly move into forward motion a days from now, and its proximity to planet earth will make it’s shining intellect just that much stronger.

February 18th The new moon at 29 Aquarius is another of these interesting super moons. This is the fourth consecutive time that the new moon lands right at the point of a sign change; within two hours the Sun and Moon will be in Pisces. Adding to the impact of this moon phase, is a strong combination of Mercury (mind) with Saturn (strength) along with personal planets Mars and Venus, each moving in tandem into optimistic, forward thinking Aries. The wiser elders, well like Farmers’ Almanac, would recommend the dark or new moon periods as most propitious for planting seeds, and even cutting hair. The fact that there are four water signs now involved, makes this an even better time for both options. And of course planting seeds is a great metaphor for the obvious. What will you do?

This very important new moon comes in under the sign or nakshatra of Danistha, signifying wealth, precious gems, items of great value, and heroic deeds. Danistha loves song and the creative arts, and its symbol of energetic music making, the musical drum, sings its song to the making of wealth and even fame.

February 19-22nd is the most important time in the Eastern half of the world. Many family and cultural rituals will be celebrating both the Chinese New year of the Wood Sheep (also Ram and Goat) and a couple of days later, the Tibetan Buddhist New Year as well, known as "Losar".

Chinese New year always occurs under the February New Moon . The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac and also one of the four elements, earth, air fire water, is ascribed to each sign. This, the Year of the Sheep, eighth sign in the animal pantheon, is a green wood or ‘yin'(female) year, when hopefully we will find more peaceful solutions to problems. 2015 is an "8" year numerologically, giving us a double "8", which is considered extremely beneficial for the markets and finance in general.

The Christian world will be honoring a more humble ritual, Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the Lenten six week season, a time for sacrifice ( so Piscean !) and denial of the physical self, typically people "give up" something they love to indulge in like alcohol, sugar or nicotine.

February 25th is perhaps the strongest day of the month with several very nice aspects, a day to schedule something important, the positive aspects overcoming the harsher ones.

My eye on the sky is watching the approaching Saturn square to Neptune and analyzing the currents. Wherein Sagittarius is commonly relegated to philosophical ideals, religions, Pisces combines confusion, magic and mysticism tied up with brilliant imaginative powers. So what we then have is a soup of mixed philosophies of both spiritual and world views, of what do we really think? And if your birthday falls under the glare of this duo (November 23-26, May 23-26th February 23-26th and September 23-26th) you will need to take stock of yourself, or maybe it’s being done for you? Separating the real from the unreal I mean. Recent history brings to mind the last time this square occurred, back in 2000 and the eve of the bubble.

Finally, the Uranus Pluto conflict, the backdrop for much of the world’s present trauma, will finally begin to disentangle from an eight year headlock by the end of this year. The chart of the USA will experience a major shift in major time periods come September 2015, but we’ll get to that later.

Later February will see the exciting and inspiring Jupiter Uranian exact fire trine which will last a few months and might well carry a torch of hope onto the world scene. Finally the Sun with Neptune closing out the month brings us another one off those intense imaginative and creative times. This combination could bring us something we’ ve really been wanting. A new voice, a new plan, for a new day. Fire is full of enthusiasm and inspiring ideas, but earth brings them into reality. We’re short on these now but earth signs will return in May. For now we celebrate with the Ram (the Aries planets in the year of the Sheep). Check here (lunarium) to see if your moon falls in ten to fifteen degrees of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, lucky for you if it does.

Since I will be unable to work up the March letter due to a medical hiatus, here is a little bit of March for you my patent readers.

March 2nd is a day of several strong elements, and sports a cheerful Leo moon, leading up to the full moon in Virgo of March 5th. The harmonious lunar contact then with Venus and Pluto will be most welcome. The interesting thing is how opposite signs are so similar. Take Pisces and Virgo, they both line up shirts in their closet by color, have an exacting eye for order and cleanliness, almost to an obsession. This full moon period might well bear that out. The exactness I mean, and Neptune as well as Chiron are engaged with them. Some moon. The self sacrificial quality of Neptune, ruler of Pisces, may well play out here in some bizarre drama.

March 6-8th Here are some sparky days, lots of enthusiastic Arian energies combine with the Libra moon in bit of a conflicted stance. The moon opposite Mars combined with the nodes calls for a time of extreme caution, things could be really serious here. Don’t overplay your hand in any way.

The heavy fire trine is helpful to what may be a dicey situation. Whatever the heated debate might be, Sunday’s aspects will tend to bring some reason and order into the fray. Monday will see Mars so perfectly lined up to Jupiter, we just take what we can get in moments like these.

The new moon of the 20th is also a solar eclipse, and the point of the Spring equinox, and the first day of the year in the world of astrology, since Aries is the first sign. This is a powerful eclipse, one of two for 2015, and its power will overshadow the year ahead. Life changing if this is your birthday, or if your moon is at 29 Pisces or one degree Aries.

DAYS OF POWER: 2, 3, 5, 7,11,13,18,20, 25!!


February 1,2nd This is such a nice solar return (aka Birthday Chart), which promises a much better year ahead, than what you’ve just been living through.

February 20th such a new beginning sort of year is ahead for you, it’s a powerful chart that promises a "push forward" for you. All those Aries planets say "go"!

February 25th This should be a landmark year ahead for you, something quite wonderful can land in your lap , there is a great love aspect which could also find expression in some creative endeavor. Lucky you.

March 6-8th Early March calls for safety and caution, there’s no way to make this sound any better. It tends to recklessness and overdoing, over stimulation. Don’t fall into it.

March 15- 24th, so much energy is driving you to meet your goals. It’s quite energizing, fire and water create a steam engine, that’s going to be you.

March 25 -30th This is a really helpful indication, the trine between three fire planets are there to support you, with Saturn being the strongest; and when he’s your friend, there’s no one better.

March 31-April 3d The odd and turbulent configuration of the south node and Uranus over your sun is making you examine everything you thought was stable and solid, something might be taken from you, only to be replaced later on by something better, but it’s not fun to go through it. Luckily there is some help from Mars, Jupiter, and Venus, so you aren’t getting the blast you might have gotten.

April 5, 6th A nice aspect from Jupiter is bringing light to your world right now, the good news is that he will be hanging around for several weeks.

May 3-6th There’s no mystery as to why you might be feeling a new source of strength in your earthly Taurean world, and it’s about time after the transit of Saturn that opposed you for so long. Feb 5, 6th are especially good days for you.

June 2-4th yippee we love this full moon of the 3d, it adds some light and fun to the picture. Air sign to air sign. Oh all that mental activity.

June 28-30th Good news for you early Cancerians, this gorgeous grand water trine was made just for you, so use it well, especially early month, since it enhances and expands.

July 3-7th In the first 10 days the Mars and Venus meet up in water was made just for you, encouraging ideals and plans and offsetting that nasty square grid that has been haunting you for so long. It’s short but sweet.

July 20- 25st There is a combo of fire planets late February that are so perfectly aligned to boost your well being, so plan to make the best use of this. The supportive energy of Saturn has been in orb for some time and when he’s on your team, you are well protected.

August 3, 4th This full moon lands right in your lap, bringing excitement and helpful changes, nice for once. What has been hidden can now see the light. The past year has been rough for many Leo’s, "the fault of course dear Brutus, was in your stars" so blame Saturn. This holds an aspect "that can open little doors in one’s head that you didn’t know were there", and ideas flow.

September 3-6 The steady hand of Pluto , for once a friend, is consistently in your court for many months, earth supporting earth, the 5th and the 15th are your better days.

October 1-4 So many shifts right now, it’s been a little harsh, however, the full moon early month is a lighter moment. Some answers should appear at that time. The transit of Rahu or the north node, over your sun sparks an ambitious drive but it’s been thwarted on three sides for a few months. It will pass.

October 19-20th The new moon of the 19th is also an important moment for you. It should bring a sense of balance and newness. We love to plant and cut hair on new moons and especially if your own sun is involved, which it is.

October 31- November 2nd Early month the grand water trine brings a very calming and beauty enhancing time. The last two days of the month bring more of the same. Neptune will be adding inspiration to all your creative endeavors throughout this year and into 2016.

December 3, 4, 5th Yaay for the full moon and your chart, its so harmonious for you, so what will you do with it? It’s a happy moment and an energizer as well. Walk dance, run.

December 13- 17th, mid February has some questionable moments, watch your driving And your words and your energy, don’t get sick. It could be a little stressful, for a couple of days only.

January 2-4th It’s still bugging you, this who am I, self indentification marathon. It’s actually life changing, and depends on your own personal chart for truest interpretation.

But when Pluto passes by, you won’t be the same. And for most that’s going to be a positive change.

January 19, 20, 21st Late month, around the 20th, holds such nice aspects for you, so what will you do with that ? The grand sextile on your sun, well It’s a gift.