Astrology January 2014

The recent January 31st new moon in Aquarius arrives with the Chinese New Year of the Fire Horse along with a couple of other helpful star notes.  This time it’s a yang wood horse,  meaning a fiery and competitive year,  which is thought to be fortunate and propitious and encourage modes of transportation!


So we see a charged up and dynamic beginning of February,   and to the year,  that is if you’re celebrating the Chinese New Year.   Along with this we have Venus riding into direct motion on top of Pluto,  speaking of horses.   It’s a pretty great way to start the month, although the continuing square pattern now includes Jupiter,  keeper of the purse,  which will continue to frustrate and block our plans in the greater scheme of things.  All I can say is that we are undergoing a process of crisis,  destruction and then regeneration and renewal,  but hard to live through it.


Since the month is bookended by 2 new moons outside of February’s calendar,  the only lunation of the month,  the Valentine Full moon,  will coincide with the closing of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.  Later in month we are blessed with some very nice planetary events under a Piscean sky,  an uplift for sure,  which I hope you’ll use to your best advantage. 

February 2014

February 1,  2nd The first two days of the month delivers a Mercury and Neptune conjunction in Pisces, whose mystical water brings up a myriad of feelings, delusions,  and magic.  Some more emotional entanglements may arise with Venus moving direct in Capricorn where she has overstayed,  for an unusually long time, and in tandem now with Pluto.  Intensity in big letters.  So we have a strong hand here to guide the boat over the oceanic emotional depths stirred up by the square to Uranus.  Relationships are accentuated, feelings take precedence.  It’s a contrast all right.


February 3d,  4th It’s Aries moon time again and you know what that does,  it lights a fire under the grid we’ve talked about for so long,  making less than smooth the next couple of days.  However,  I have seen where these squares can drive one to action,  courage!


February 6th The big news of the day is the Mercury retrograde in Pisces heading back into brilliant airy Aquarius where he’s happiest.  Give it a few days.  The days closest to the retrograde motion of Mercury can add a little confusion,  but today’s moon in Taurus helps out the Venus and Pluto bonding in Capricorn.  I’m just not that concerned. But still,  double check your boarding pass and any details like deposits. This thrice a year occurrence is an often bemoaned event but really,  there are bigger issues with those outer war mongering and revolutionary characters up in the sky.


I tend to agree with the Vedic astrologers who believe that retrograde planets,  being closer to earth can influence us even more,  and certain retrogrades can promote introspective and observant times. 


Right under this ‘T ‘square we are saddened to hear of the very tragic passing of actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman.  His chart shows a strong Sun Mars square pattern tied up the moon’s nodes.  It’s all in powerful signs of the “boss” or “ruler”,  whose degrees were exactly targeted by the present aspects.  His chart provides clues of a rage filled father complex with events around age 9,  10 looking especially severe.  The current position of Saturn slamming against his Moon Neptune square,  activates the textbook aspects of an addiction problem .  His current depression and despair began I think,  around two years ago.  We’ll know more soon.  But you can see the source of the intensity that was so powerfully infused into his characters like Capote,  Plutarch of Hunger Games,  and The Master.  It’s hard to find a safety hatch in a chart like this. 


February 8th,  9th,  Now enters a brighter note with a favorable and fun Gemini moon creating a lovely grand air trine with the Sun and Mars in Aquarius and Libra.  Finally! A sunny breakthrough for this weekend. 


February 11th,  12th,  With the Sun square to Saturn we are all a little on edge,  let’s see,  the markets,  healthcare,  the Olympics? Mercury moving back into Aquarius means a sharper mental edge returns to the scene. 


Above everything else we have to remember that the erratic but pioneering Uranus in Aries energy is at constant odds with Pluto in Capricorn,  he who is bound to the wheel of steady hard work and discipline.  The social upheavals of the sixties which saw them yoked together,  are,  in a certain way,  back again.  We are seeing their conflict around the globe with government unrest,  revolution,  major disruption on several levels.  I might be repeating myself,  but this remains the main story until 2015.


Add Jupiter the King,  in his best place,  Cancer,  to the exact degree of the conflict,  and the financial picture is also caught up in the panic and confusion.  Later on in the year,  the markets should even out when Saturn and Jupiter form their almost perfect angle again,  like they did in the latter part of 2013. 


February 14, th 15th ‘s Full moon occurs at 3:53 pm PST.  What a weekend this promises to be! With Mercury and Sun in Aquarius,  harmoniously aspected to Mars in Libra,  for the Sochi Olympics. All that positive air should activate not only all those communication channels but also the Aquarian “humanity” aspect of this,  that is to say, all nations and peoples united under many flags. The Vedic description of this Leo moon, in the segment designated Magha, indicates a benevolent and forthcoming ruler who listens to, and serves his people. 


The Sun in Aquarius is also indicative of one possessing a rather kingly manner,  loving his appearance to say the least,  so with both of these two facing off in signs of kingship it should make for an impressive moment in a new (Royal?) Russia. The ice shows alone should be really spectacular under the full moon in Leo. Meanwhile the square of Saturn to both of the “lights, Sun and Moon, will provide the security needed as he endeavors to put a leash on any darker elements at Sochi.


February 16th,  Mercury trine Mars in air is certainly helpful now,  so make those calls and send those emails.  The Virgo moon lends some earthly pragmatism to matters which will show itself by Monday morning when it trines Venus in Capricorn.  Mars in Libra tries his best to be diplomatic and have everyone get along,  it’s not his typical self.  But today,  organizational assistance is at the door,  let him in.


February 18th,  The moon into Libra creates the fourth corner to the square mentioned above,  10 am PST.  So if I let myself,  I could be a little nervous here.  The Sun moving into Pisces later on begins to bring a new vision as it starts to line up with the other water planets and a few asteroids. 


February 19th,  Changes are at hand now.  The nodes of the moon,  or Rahu and Ketu if you like,  these very major elements in astrology,  move into the Libra Aries lineup by month’s end.  A new dynamic enters the scene for about 18 months now,  and the focus shifts into issues about self and other.  For those of you more seriously interested in astrology,  check here (Lunarium) to see where Libra and Aries,  always opposite each other,  land in your own chart.  You can be sure that there will be big changes ahead in these houses or areas of your life. 


Feb 20, 21st Mars closing in on the moon’s north node,  adds a cautionary note as this combination isn’t that friendly and moreover it will hang overhead like this for about three weeks.  Nerves can be on edge,  don’t take risks,  be careful. As a side note, October 16, 17 birthdays sit directly under this combination. Other aspects are lighter and more helpful,  and don’t we know that two opposite things can happen at the same time? The moon in Scorpio along with Saturn calls for some serious thinking but then Saturday’s Sagittarian moon should raise our spirits.


Feb 24th I like this perfect 2 sign away match up of Venus with Saturn. It’s a very steadying aspect that lasts several days,  and along with the Jupiter Sun trine in water,  this makes for some very positive times,  so make best use of them. This is a powerful day, go with it!


Feb 25 26th Several good things are happening,  like some helpful sextiles involving the outer asteroids with Jupiter and Pluto. Mercury

is about to go direct and, good news, this slower motion makes the mental acuity in Aquarius just that much stronger.

 If you are working out a business plan or have important documents to prepare for that major venture’s launch,  prepare to sign them soon. It’s turning very positive!


February 27,  28th The New Moon arrives barely at midnight as we cross into March,  a wonderful day.  If I say it’s a new beginning time,  I really mean it!,  There are so many wonderful aspects today and Mercury direct helps out even more. Sign that paper today. As I always say, “use astrology to your advantage”. The aspects a few days from now may not be as good.


DAYS OF POWER: 1, 3,  6, 8, 10, 14!!, 18, 20, 24!, 28!




January 2nd,  3d now the often discussed Pluto in your sign is cruising over your Sun and it’s going to change your life in many ways.  Former ways of being are seriously challenged but that’s not always a negative. However,  Venus sitting right on your Sun,  and in slow motion,  can only help put things in a better light.


February 1st On your day,  which means your solar return or birthday chart,  the moon connects in dreamy Pisces with Neptune and Mercury all together.  There’s a surge of energy from Uranus,  and even though the Pluto Venus thing is frustrating,  you can mange it with humor because Pisces has it’s own set of rules and laughs when no one else gets the joke.


February 22,  23d,  24,  25th early month such a nice group of Pisces planets over your sun,  and several others near your birthday.  It will activate your creative and social sphere! Such dynamism here.

 Later on, Neptune alone over the Sun can mean either deep confusion over one’s life and/or great inspiration.  It’s wild I know.


March 1st Here’s a little early birthday gift for you although later in the month, : Jupiter aspects your Sun in such a nice way,  there are some asteroids sitting in perfect alignment as well,  all of it boosting your self esteem and confidence,  and possibly your finances too. 


March 12, 13th You must be feeling steady and centered right now.  In spite of minor disruptions,  you have a strong support system under you,  call it Saturn,  he’s doing his best. 


March 31st, April 1st goodness the revolution has now driven up to your house,  where upsetting issues and people abound.  It makes you wonder who you are sometimes.  Try your best to stay balanced. 


April 19th, 20th, you will be asked to look deep within and examine your motives and desires,  it’s an interior moment,  nice if you’re on a spiritual path,  but it can be hard for the rest of you since you may experience this as a loss of ego. 


May 14, 15, 16th You might be wondering why you’re so frustrated right now,  believe me,  there is a valid reason for this.  Lay low,  don’t expect too much of yourself,  there’s a reason why you might feel tired and overworked,  because you are! Later in the month there’s an assist from Venus,  this will turn things around in your favor.


June 15-18th Oh how nice when all the air planets get together in perfect harmony,  very true near the 8th to 10th,  happy times. 


June 24-25th,Llater month comes such a lovely trine to your Sun,  best felt late in the month,  from Neptune,  and it stays there for quite a while! It’s very rare so make best use of your inspirational moments,  whether it be in writing,  music,  or a spiritual quest?


July 1st 2nd ,Here comes help from Jupiter,  he who brings gifts,  although there is a challenge from the opposite side with Pluto. It’s been observed that this can upend your status quo,  but it can help push you to do what you should be doing anyway. 


July 12, 13th, what relief to have support system and a rudder underneath your boat.  There may be various disruptions and distractions but the important thing is that you have a plan and a goal.


August 14,  15th,  This full moon lands right on top of you! And it’s never boring when that happens.  You have some restrictions laid upon you by Saturn but a boost from Mars,  so fire child,  I know you’ll play,  fight and do your best.


September 1st,  2nd,  You’re one of the luckier ones right now,  with trines and sextiles from Jupiter and Pluto.  It’s a “yes you can!”, Go for it now!


October 16, 17th,  later in the month you will be asked to double check your safety and welfare,  insurance up to date,  medical check ups scheduled,  all of it.  This rare configuration over your sun has been known to cause,  well extreme episodes,  which could be either emotional or physical.  However,  earlier in the month,  around the 10th,  it’s a joyful time,  this is a full month for you!


November 14,  15,  16th, here comes Saturn demanding so much stamina and resolve from you.  However,  the best days are later in he month with a nice aspect from Venus, work can be fun!


November 30, Dec 1st,  several fire alliances,  Uranus in Aries,  the Aquarian new moon all early in the month,  are your friends and allies! It should be fun.


December 13, 14th The full moon energy is a gift for you! A Valentine’s day to remember with an energy boost from Mars, I like it.