Astrology December 2013
Welcome to the last month of 2013, which appears to be slightly better than the previous 30 days.
The New Moon of the 2nd ushers in a two week period of excitement and brilliant thoughts; it’s the archer shooting his arrow right into the heart of truth that must be spoken, but maybe a thought left unshared and not posted, could be a good thing sometimes?
Oh how different from the last new moon, since here under the Sagittarian influence we feel the desire for freedom and independence. How apropos that the soul of freedom‘s great icon, Nelson Mandela, chose to cross over under this particular influence .
A great man, his passing occurred under the star of Jysehtha, meaning “the eldest“ or “wisest”. Jyeshtha is one of the three star constellation of Antares, the brightest light in the sky, just as Mandela was to the world below.
Let’s look at the rest of the month
December 2013
New Moons are beginning times, great for planting, cutting hair and starting projects, so whatever house Sagittarius covers in your chart will provide the clues. On a more general scale the positive vibe of this moon should help considerably with matters during the fourteen days to follow.
December 8 we have another shift of energy when Mars slides into Libra where he will stay for an exceptionally long duration, until late July 2014. This will activate whichever house Libra rules in your own specific charts. In a macro way, Mars into peace-seeking Libra will add to the fracas caused by those two outer bullies at first and later move into a place of constructive negotiations. Libra is the sign of the law giver, and, just as in court, he can be conciliatory but also vengeful, diplomatic yet cutting.
December 9, 10, a Pisces moon first joins Neptune to encourage any spiritual religious impulses and practices, then its nice angle to Jupiter will emphasize the brotherly love and compassionate side of the Sagittarian nature.
December 11, an Aries Moon early on can trigger emotional conflicts and outbursts of sorts, try to rein in all that enthusiasm and feeling and put it to creative helpful use.
December 13-15 a Taurus Moon starts Friday off with two very helpful aspects, the Budda moon here will not disappoint. Saturday picks up considerably in the evening when the moon meets with Venus in a lovely angle, all helpful for the night’s events. By Sunday a Gemini moon’s aspect to first Mars, then Uranus, promises more excitement, hopefully not too much as it waxes towards a major full moon!
December 17, the Full Moon lands at 1:26 PST, in Gemini and Uranus stops in its rotation, going stationary then direct, it’s a powerful day! The Vedic star Mrigashira describes the sparkling curious side of Gemini that explores glens and forests, while the Sun in Mula, brings together roots and seeds from the earth and joins them together, in a symbolic union of opposites.
Back in Western astrology, it harkens a day of openness and exploration, curiosity unbound. Intriguingly enough, this degree of the Sun connects exactly to the galactic heart center of our Milky Way galaxy whose electromagnetic rays all add up to a highly energetic and momentous full moon with thoughts and words shared.
It’s a time to celebrate.
Dec 21st Oh what we can learn from the wisdom of the ancient world, being that ours is polluted by toxic emissions, concrete and impersonal tweets. It’s the Winter Solstice, and the celebration of the return of the light, a time of feasting and joy, with gratitude for the rays of the sun and its ability to bring life and warmth to our planet.
Now here’s where the month gets somewhat dicey, as Mars moves into a sort of emotional collision, yes you will, no you won’t. Even though it might be hard to navigate safely through these emotional waters, do your best.
Venus going retrograde in Capricorn the 22nd is a noteworthy event, in that it only occurs once in every eighteen months, and will remain until January 31st, 2014. The planet of love and relationship looking backwards in the house of Saturn, with whom she is friends, carries a message of how to fix, repair, and rework existing bonds. It’s positive and slow moving and therefore more intense. Should your Capricorn Sun, Moon or ascendant occur in the later degrees of Capricorn this is a special Christmas gift for you, because Venus will inevitably add a brighter note to your life.
The holidays bring up the usual family issues but luckily, with Mercury just into Capricorn, December 24th, a more practical means of communicating will assist with those many little details. The overhead T square will no doubt produce some fiery discussions, shouting and posturing over the football games, whew. Just watch your words and actions, these are extreme times.
Should your Moon or Sun lie in these crosshairs, 8-11 degrees of Cap, Libra, Aries and Cancer, which you can find out by checking (lunarium here) then best to seek emotional refuge or escape, movies are good for this.
As we lead up to the January first new moon for a new year, we find four planets very close together in Capricorn, forming a power grid that is squaring off in the sky and battling for control. We’re still under the shadow of the troubling Pluto Uranus square since 2008, which is the back story to all of this.
This is no doubt, this is the major all-encompassing aspect overhead as we welcome in 2014. So what to expect?
Most likely more cacophony in the media about such typically Capricorn ruled structures as government, finance, and now government health, and the finagling about trying to make the deadlines of the year’s end. The pleasing Jupiter aspect to Saturn, bolstering the economy and real estate, and Venus sitting in Capricorn will provide some relief.
Thank the gods.
JANUARY 1 October 1 July 1, April 1, all of you in these Cardinal sign birthdays are laboring under the grid of the grand T square, which has added up to huge frustrations and difficult times for many of you. It will move on to other fields soon but it’s been a long ride on the roller coaster.
JANUARY 11-16, early month the grand trine of Venus and Mars on your sun can only bring good things and happy moments. The rest of the month is brightened considerably since Venus has decided to ride with you the entire month
FEBRUARY 7-12, Now here’s the problem for many whose birthdays fall between these dates, and for some a day or so on either side. It’s been a case of unrelieved heaviness and blockages, which won’t really lift until later in the year.
MARCH 4 to 10, for many of you the run of Jupiter in Cancer and Chiron in your sign, provides a much welcome bonus to your lives and endeavors.
APRIL 1-3 in the third week the holiday pile up can just seem too overwhelming for words. As we move further into 2014 try to have as many bases covered as you can, I know it’s not always possible; there are some roadblocks ahead for sure.
April 25 – 29, the nasty dragon’s tail is sweeping across you now, so be prepared to cut something loose, and if you are of a spiritual bent, you can appreciate the chance to make the most of this interior time. The eclipses have been happening here so it’s a time for major physical and mental changes. For some it’ll be the negation of the ego, but for those more highly evolved souls, a new light shines upon ways to look at your life.
MAY 8, 9, 10, 11, Saturn is facing off with you now, bringing back the eclipse point of last May, it’s a life changing, separative time and a difficult passage for some. Happily Jupiter is there to aid and assist, which can turn hard moments into better experiences. You are so lucky he’s there.
JUNE 16, 17, the full moon lands right on your sun mid-month, causing excitement whether you asked for it or not. Oh and mercury is tight in there too, busy, chatty, buzzing!
JULY 1, 2, yes it’s nice that Jupiter is in your sign, but lordy, the last few days of the month are a trial indeed, or else you’ve just taken on way too much, family and otherwise, and with Pluto opposing your Sun it’s well, almost too much,
AUGUST 1, 2 the lovely new moon on the 2nd, brings good news early in the month, which is so nice since it’s been a hard couple of months.
August 6, 7, 8, the square from the tax god, Saturn the Senex, is hitting you directly and bringing a heaviness into your usually optimistic Leonine world.
SEPTEMBER 23—30 The Mars activation on your Sun will push you to overdo, and with Uranus facing across the sky, it makes for one big cautionary note about pushing one’s limits beyond what is safe, or else a situation is presented that you cannot avoid.
OCTOBER 26-30 Rahu, the moon’s north node, or “dragon’s head”, is cruising over your sun, and pushing you to achieve and rise to heights you may have thought impossible. He’s not usually that kind, and some of you may find it a rough lesson,
NOVEMBER 8-13 The Scorpio passage of Saturn has been on your street for a year and now it’s very close to your own house. Heavy is the load, and its flu season too, so beware. In some rare instances I have seen a Saturn crossing over the sun in one’s chart, to bring a serious romance, but don’t get too excited yet.
DECEMBER 1, 2 pretty exciting to have the new moon trine Uranus for your year ahead, wonder where you’ll go and what you’ll do with this exciting aspect?
DECEMBER 17, it’s not every year that one has a dynamic full moon birthday year, tied into the heart of our galaxy b no less! It all adds up to great excitement. Cheers.
DAYS OF POWER: 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 17! 25, 27, 29, 31