December 2011 Astro Update
Zing! goes the arrow of the Sagittarian archer right into the heart of the matter. “Please don’t be so honest” were words spoken to a Sag child. Lacking the verbal discretion of say, Scorpio, these, the most blunt and freedom seeking of the 12 zodiac signs, will find the first 3 days of December aflame with a strong Martian influence reminiscent of an earlier eclipse point, which makes matters even more intense. Long pent up frustrations and emotions will be unleashed. Decisions and deadlines are her, especially if your birthday is today or tomorrow, or June 1-3, Sept 1-3. Adding to the furor is a deeply emotional Pisces moon creating a fire and water situation– which produces steam. Reach deeply into your inner resources to curb any sharp reactivity.
If its not their love of animals, large and small, the Sagittarian penchant for moving the physical body and dancing away their frustrations keep them cheerful and balanced. Holding aloft high ideals and the belief that “tomorrow is a better day” sees the visionary side of Sag through the darker times. We could all use some of their optimism.
The month begins with a particularly obstreperous Mercury retrograde. The bankruptcy of a major airline announced just a week ago, merely symbolizes what can happen when the god of travel moves in reverse while traumatized by Mars. Those birthdays most influenced include: Dec 1,2 June 1,2, Sept, 1,2, March 1, 2.
December 3-5th the Mercurial element collides with the lunar nodes, or the head and tail of the dragon, and as you can imagine, this extends more of the same fractiousness, relieved by the 5th through 7th with a sweet Venus Mars trine to Pluto. This harmonious influence between the lovers of the zodiac, will sprinkle some fairy dust on Dec 25-29, April 25-28 August 27-29 birthdays. Or, for you skywatchers, if your moon sits in early Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo, enjoy the brief emotional contentment coming your way.
No more sliding back into the Piscean fog, at least for another 73 years, because on Dec 9th, Uranus goes “stationary” in its place, and then turns direct. Days of direct motion have often brought some welcome surprises, just ask me. Buckle up if yours is a Spring Equinox birthday, March 23d or close; it ‘s been challenging all around. Aquarius’ unique ruler has been facing backwards since July 10th and now its forward track into Aries will see some exciting innovations and ideas for the next even years that most of us have never heard of before. This is what happens when electrical wattage meets up with fire . A rocket boost from that powerful one degree Aries is most favored in setting up charts of new enterprises, business etc. and combined with the lunar eclipse of the 10th 6:30 am PST, this Uranian activity creates what is most likely the most powerful time of this month.
Where does this land in your particular chart? What house is covered by Aries? Expect some radical awakenings in that section of your life for the next few years.
We are too often at the mercy of the economic, social and climatological forces swirling around us, and this full moon, will no doubt intertwine a lot of this action with our personal stories.
December, March, June and September 9-13th birthdays are the most likely targets for the archer’s crossbow, and now that we are in the eclipse season, the effects will carry a heavier impact. You must deal with certain pressing matters now, no more putting things off.
It’s an open book sort of time, when matters can be “seen” and understood. Parties or gatherings arranged on full moon days can be, well, memorable. A surprising and startling event can accompany this eclipse, or a few days after, especially if your birthday is close to this day or180 days opposite, in June.
For Westerners, the Gemini moon, or Mrigashira to the Vedic world, is usually considered a very intellectual sort of placement. However, this particular segment brings knowledge of higher subjects, past lives, and serves to open a cosmic doorway which makes this full moon so unique.
Visions and insights may come flooding in, so stay open to your intuition . Great insights may be gained although sometimes when emotionally challenged, the highly creative Gemini moon can veer off into materialistic avenues—like shopping.
The Sagittarian Sun involved in these degrees speak to a concern for the “little guy”(the 99% maybe?) and extends a philanthropic hand to those less fortunate. Mid Sagittarians are often ,known to fight for the underdog, so this eclipse merely emphasizes the intense combination of this sun and moon!
The almost month long square of Mars to this degree, especially in the second half of December means that our Sagittarian as well as our mid Virgo and Gemini friends will have to deal with irritating and often distressing maters that won’t go away and are screaming for resolution.
It will be such a relief when Mercury goes direct on December 13th,, since it’s been rocky with Mars squaring it the whole time, leaving no respite from travel and other machinery related malfunctions.
December 17th with the moon and Mars conjunction should bring a dynamic night perfect for festive holiday events. This is the ancient Roman feast of Saturnalia, a time for merriment and joy when roles were reversed, and servants mimicked their masters. Feasting continued for days. The early Christians were able to disguise their celebrations of the birth of Christ under Saturnalia, who would have known with all those distractions!
Saturn square to Venus on the 18th and 19th can restrict cash flow and extravagance, harsh if yours is a late Libra (Oct 18-20) birthday, since too much responsibility has been wearing you down. With Venus moving into Aquarius on the 20th, with a nice angle to Uranus, some light and inventive moments can bring joy.
The Winter Solstice on the 21st, (22n d EST), celebrated long ago as the return of the light on the darkest and longest day of the year, has an early morning sextile from Mars to the Scorpio moon which adds a certain dynamic spark to this ancient spiritual time. Later in the day things may become a little hazy with the moon in Scorpio square to Neptune.
Try to avoid some harsh words on the morning of the 23d due to the moon ‘s biting square to Mars. Relief comes then next day with the December 24th new moon, in practical Capricorn. This new moon, so very different from the lunar events of the 10th,, finds the planet of gift giving, Jupiter, going direct on Christmas Day. Its best gift, the trine to the sun and moon, should bring rays of hope and happiness for many. The Vedic meaning of this new moon, found in the star “Mula”, means ”cutting to the root”, getting down to the core of things. The focus is on communications and relationships in this specific degree.
And if this is your birthday, the year ahead will carry this same profound energy with it.
The last couple of days have the Sun aligned with Pluto and finds an ally with the Pisces moon December 28-29. Transformative events have been the norm for these later December birthdays; it’s been difficult and life changing for many of you. The same applies if you are born early in Aries (March 23-27) or Cancer (June 22-27). Heavy situations, whether it‘s health issues, or possible moves from one city to another, have predominated.
The month that began with a Venus conjunction to Pluto, now ends with the Sun conjunct Pluto squaring the Aries moon, a power moment for sure. The very last day of 2011 carries some contrasting energetics. There is intensity (Moon square Pluto early on), conflict (Mercury square Mars), and happiness (Venus trine the nodes). February 2-4 birthdays grab these happy moments.
It’s your basic New Year’s Eve and maybe not the smoothest transition into the much discussed 2012. Next month’s column will address some of these predictions, how much is valid or hype? We’ll be looking into it.
Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year to all.