May’s Astro Update
Question: how many fiery Aries planets can fit into a box together? Try six, because that’s what’s happening on May 1. And they’re all facing off with Saturn in Libra, which will create a lot of intense energy—it will be a time to run, dance, scream and shout.
During this exciting time, it would be helpful to know where Aries falls in your chart because that will show where this energy could be having an influence in your life.
Alas, all is not perfect as there is the opposition of Saturn to Venus and Mercury, plus a conflicting aspect from the new moon (the stubborn and inflexible old devil that he is) preventing and obstructing all sorts of deals and personal interactions.
On May 1, the Vatican beatified Pope John Paul II, to chants of “santo subito” or “saint now –he is to be called “Blessed John Paul.” The current Pope has succeeded in defying traditional Vatican protocol in elevating his predecessor to Sainthood a mere six years after his passing. Most interesting is that the newly beatified almost-saint was not only born on a solar eclipse but died on one as well, in April 2005.
Nine times out of 10, a solar eclipse is not an especially favorable occurrence, especially when it falls on one’s birthday. However, the late Pope certainly proved with his historic rise to greatness that the exceptional one in10 can have a huge impact.
Vedically, two of these Aries planets, Jupiter and Mars, land in a subsection of Revati, a nurturing, philanthropic and compassionate segment of Pisces, which oversaw probably the happiest televised event this year–the Royal Wedding.
Most intriguing is that Prince William was born on a solar eclipse on June 21, 1982. Likewise, he has many indices of being a force for positive change and action, with so many ninth house planets in his chart. The ninth house is considered the most advantageous location in the horoscope. The solar event at birth occurs in his marriage and partnership house, indicating that these are very important aspects for him in life. Both the Sun and Moon in late Gemini at his birth shows a very strong tie, and possible emotional issues, with his spouse. But overall I think he bears the signs of greatness yet to come.
And his bride, Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, was also born on an eclipse (though a lunar eclipse which holds a slightly different significance) on January 9, 1982! These key lunations and eclipses, only occur four or five times in a year. Katherine’s helpful and caring moon in Cancer, in its own sign and place, along with the Sun in practical Capricorn, accentuate her sensible and grounded nature.
Do we think these two eclipse-born mates, each with a moon in Cancer, will care for each other and their country, and share a large common destiny and future? No question.
New Moons set the pattern for the following 14 days and this May 2 at 11:51 p.m., the new moon will land in early Taurus, a very sexually-oriented placement falling in the dark of the moon and strengthened by the trine to Pluto. For Indian astrologers, Taurus rules matters concerning conception and birth and death.
Normally a very cheerful part of Taurus, this little pada or segment of Taurus, speaks of high organization with an emphasis on hard work and altruism.
The addition of Vedic astrology and its 27 ancient signs further develops, and more sharply defines our Western 12-house based astrology.
Mars moving into Taurus on May 11 marks a shift into steady earth with the addition of Venus and Mercury two days later. This signals a move away from the militant Arian cast to the earlier part of the month. The full moon in Scorpio, one of the year’s most powerful on May 17 at 4:09 am (PDT) has a Venus-Mercury conjunction in early Taurus, along with Mars, making a lesser known aspect to radical Uranus. Expect surprises! And if this is your birthday, you won’t have a boring year ahead!
At the same time, Mars and Venus form a sextile to Chiron to reveal and expose the unconscious side of our nature which creates a nice moment for soul reparations.
The May 20, 21, 22 triple conjunction of Mars, Venus, and Mercury in Taurus, makes a trine to earthbound Pluto in Capricorn. It’s a powerful moment for timing of events, especially secure and solid for finances.
The entry of the Sun into Gemini on May 21, square Neptune and Chiron, could be confusing for those with May 21 or 22 birthdays, although the offset from the powerful earth trine will help. Should your birthday fall very early in May, January or September, plans should move forward in a powerful and friendly way allowing for renewal of spirits and energies.
The ongoing square between Uranus and Pluto will be addressed at greater length next month. This hard aspect will reign in the background for several years to come.
The edge returns a bit on May 24with quincunx of Mars to Saturn which can be frustrating. A week later on Memorial Day, the month finishes with a quadruple connection of planets in Taurus; and with Venus exalted in her sign, it should bring delightful moments under the influence of this most sensual of all signs. The Moon in Krittika and Sun come very close together in Rohini, closing what should be a fairly calm and benign month.